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Poglej vseISBN
9780230537309Mladinska knjiga ID
395345Leto izida
2009Datum izida
30.05.2009Velikost (šxdxv)
150 × 200 × 10Status dobavljivosti
Na zalogi pri dobaviteljuJezik
The contributors present a coherent collection of work on the functioning of metaphor in public discourse and related discourse areas from a broadly cognitive-linguistic background, providing a state-of-the-art overview of research on the discursive grounding of metaphor from a cognitive-linguistic perspective.The contributors to Metaphor and Discourse present a collection of work on the functioning of metaphor in public discourse and related discourse areas from a broadly cognitive-linguistic background. Discourse scholars have for a long time been concerned with the methodological difficulties of identifying, annotating, and analysing metaphors, as well as with the complex relations between the embodiment of metaphorical thought on the one hand and the socio-cultural grounding of metaphorical communication on the other. A substantial body of work has grown out of these concerns over the last two decades. The present book provides a state-of-the-art overview of this lively research field, and furthermore contributes to debates in Cognitive Linguistics (and beyond) regarding tensions between conceptualist idealizations and empirically observable variation.Acknowledgements Introduction: A Discourse-Centred Perspective on Metaphorical Meaning and Understanding; J.Zinken Z.Kovecses Three Kinds of Metaphor in Discourse: A Linguistic Taxonomy; G.Steen Reading Sonnet 30: Discourse, Metaphor and Blending; P.Chilton Collecting Political Meaning from the Count of Metaphor; C.De Landtsheer Metaphor and Context: A Perspective from Artificial Intelligence; J.Barnden PART II: METAPHORS IN CONTEMPORARY PUBLIC DISCOURSES: CASE STUDIES Metaphor and Political Communication; J.Charteris-Black Missions and Empires: Religious and Political Metaphors in Corporate Discourse; V.Koller How Business Press Headlines get their Message Across: A Different Perspective on Metaphor; M.White B.Nerlich R.Frank 'Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be': Linguistic Mercantilism in Renaissance France; D.Cowling Interpretations of the Body Politic and of Natural Bodies in Late Sixteenth-Century France; K.Banks Bodies Politic and Bodies Cosmic: the Roman Stoic Theory of the 'Two Cities'; J.Zavadil Metaphor in the History of Ideas and in the History of Dis-course: How Can We Interpret a Medieval Version of the Body-state Analogy?; A.Musolff Commentary: Studying Metaphor in Discourse: Some Lessons, Challenges and New Data; R.W.Gibbs, Jr.
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