23330 rezultatov
Battlefield Forensics for Persian Gulf States - Regional and U.S. Military Weapons, Ammunition, and Headstamp Markings(2019) MIKKO, DON,BAILEY, WILLIAMBattlefield Forensics for Persian Gulf States provides an illustrative reference of various weapons, toolmarks, headstamps, and other traits in order to identify the origins of a variety of guns, casings, and ammunition that can be found in the Middle EasVezava: Mehka133,98 €
Positive Relationships in School - Supporting Emotional Health and Wellbeing(2019) WATERHOUSE, ALISON (INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT FOR SEN AND WELLBEING.)One of the five books in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Toolkit, this practical resource focuses on developing the skills necessary to build and maintain successful relationships. The book offers research-driven, practical strategies, resources and lessoVezava: Mehka71,65 €
Ticket to Ride(2021) LAMPL, SIR PETERThe candid tale of one of Britain’s most outstanding contemporary philanthropists.Vezava: Trda27,79 €
International Primary Maths Progress Book: Stage 1(2021) CLARKE, PETERCollins International Primary Maths supports best practice in primary maths teaching, whilst encouraging teacher professionalism and autonomy. A wealth of supporting digital assets are provided for every lesson, including slideshows, tools and games to enVezava: Mehka94,62 €
Restoring the Wild(2022) DENNIS, ROYThe RSPB’s Book of the Season The distinctive white-tailed sea eagle was driven to extinction in Britain more than 200 years ago, but this immense predator is making a return to our skies, thanks to Roy Dennis, an ornithologist, conseVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Inquiry Learning in the Gifted Classroom(2022) STANLEY, TODD (UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI, USA)Inquiry Learning in the Gifted Classroom takes readers step-by-step through the process of integrating, managing, and assessing problem-based learning (PrBL).Vezava: Mehka53,29 €
Society, Resistance and Civil Nuclear Policy in India(2022) CHANDRA, VARIGONDA KESAVAThis book explores how anti-nuclear social movements impact the state’s civil nuclear policy and its implementation by presenting a historical-comparative case study of anti-nuclear movements in India.Vezava: Mehka69,54 €
Etta Lemon(2021) BOASE, TESSAEtta Lemon: The Woman Who Saved the Birds is the story of a pioneering conservationist who led the campaign against the slaughter of wild birds for extravagantly feathered hats and coaxed the world to care for birds.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
Cultural Code: Video Games and Latin America(2016) PENIX-TADSEN, PHILLIP (UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE)Vezava: Trda74,97 €
Collaborative Media: Production, Consumption, and Design Interventions(2013) LOEWGREN, JONAS (LINKOEPING UNIVERSITY),REIMER, BOVezava: Trda54,67 €
Dictionary of Media and Communication(2020) CHANDLER, DANIEL (FACULTY EMERITUS, FACULTY EMERITUS, ABERYSTWYTH UNIVERSITY),MUNDAY, ROD (LECTURER IN DIGITAL CULTURE AND GAMING, LECTURER IN DIGITAL CULTURE AND GAMING, ABERYSTWYTH UNIVERSITY)This authoritative and up-to-date A-Z covers all aspects of interpersonal, mass, and networked communication in over 3,500 entries, including digital and mobile media, advertising, journalism, social media, and nonverbal communication.Vezava: Mehka22,22 €
Crisis of the Meritocracy(2020) MANDLER, PETER (PROFESSOR OF MODERN CULTURAL HISTORY AND BAILEY LECTURER IN HISTORY, GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE)The story of the revolutionary transformation of the British educational system in the second half of the 20th century from a rigid hierarchy for a minority, to a fundamental right of all citizens, one of the most valued and enduring features of the welfaVezava: Trda43,76 €
Kew Gardens and Other Short Fiction(2022) WOOLF, VIRGINIAEssential to Virginia Woolf's development as a novelist, these short stories are among the most interesting and accomplished fictions she wrote.Vezava: Mehka11,11 €
Four Lost Cities(2021) NEWITZ, ANNALEEA fascinating look at four of the most spectacular cities in human history-and why they were all abandoned.Vezava: Trda35,36 €
Midnight(2019) SHORR, VICTORIAMoments of great intensity in the lives of Jane Austen, Mary Shelley and Joan of Arc, when each faced a decision that would shape her legacy.Vezava: Trda21,70 €
Read Until You Understand(2021) GRIFFIN, FARAH JASMINE (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY)“A masterpiece... Farah Jasmine Griffin’s magical words enchant and empower us like those of her towering heroes.”—Cornel WestVezava: Trda33,75 €
Moo's Law(2020) MELLON, JAMESMoo's law is the latest title from successful investor Jim Mellon to help readers understand the investment landscape in alternative proteins such as lab-grown meat. This book explains why this agricultural advancement is absolutely necessary (practicallyVezava: Mehka20,83 €