23330 rezultatov
Across Arabia(2021) RENDEL, GERALDINEA vivid portrait of the early days of Saudi Arabia from the unique perspective of the first Western woman to travel openly across Saudi Arabia as a non-Muslim.Vezava: Trda37,32 €
Therapy in the Age of Neuroscience(2019) AFFORD, PETERTherapy in the Age of Neuroscience: A Guide for Counsellors and Therapists is an essential guide to key areas of neuroscience that inform the theory underlying psychotherapy, and how they can be applied to practice.Vezava: Mehka49,60 €
Public Relations Strategic Toolkit(2017) THEAKER, ALISON,YAXLEY, HEATHERThe Public Relations Strategic Toolkit, Second edition presents readers with essential guidance on developing public relations skills across the key themes of planning, corporate communications, and stakeholder engagement, as well as giving in depth coverVezava: Mehka71,65 €
Understanding Transitions in the Early Years(2017) O'CONNOR, ANNE (EARLY YEARS CONSULTANT, UK)Featuring new material on provision for two year olds, school readiness and a new chapter on families and transitions, this book explains why transitions matter and provides practical guidance on how to support young children’s developing emotional resiVezava: Mehka51,44 €
Moral Development in Couple Therapy(2021) RIES, STEVEN I. (PRIVATE PRACTICE IN MAUI, HAWAII, USA)This innovative text utilizes Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, demonstrating how they can be effectively applied to couple and marriage therapy.Vezava: Mehka33,07 €
Routledge Handbook of Language Revitalization(2018)This is the first comprehensive overview of the language revitalization movement across all continents. Featuring 47 chapters from a global range of top scholars, the handbook is divided into 2 parts: (1) expands on issues of theory and practice; (2) coveVezava: Trda346,50 €
On Justification(0) BOLTANSKI, LUC,THEVENOT, LAURENTPresents a foundational work of post-Bourdieu sociology that examines a range of situations where people justify their actions. This book argues that justifications fall into six main logics exemplified by six authors: civic (Rousseau), market (Adam SmithVezava: Mehka79,30 €
Understanding Institutional Diversity(2005) OSTROM, ELINORExplains the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework, which enables a scholar to choose the most relevant level of interaction for a particular question. This book explains and illustrates how to use the IAD in the context of both field andVezava: Mehka54,67 €
Importance of Play in Early Childhood Education(2019)Play in Early Childhood Education presents various theories of play and demonstrates how it serves communicative, developmental, and relational functions, highlighting the importance and development of the capacity to play in terms useful to early childhoVezava: Mehka67,97 €
Special Educational Needs for Qualified and Trainee Teachers(2014) CHEMINAIS, RITAVezava: Mehka67,99 €
NVQ/SVQ Level 2 Team Leading Candidate Handbook(2012) WATKINS, BERNADETTE,PARTON, NIGEL,BITHELL, BETHANThis Candidate Handbook covers all mandatory units and a range of optional units with case-studies, engaging features and portfolio tasks so candidates are fully supported in becoming the leaders of the future!Vezava: Mehka69,72 €
Islandman(1977) O'CROHAN, TOMASTomas O'Crohan was born on the Great Blasket Island in 1856 and died there in 1937, a great master of his native Irish. He shared to the full the perilous life of a primitive community, yet possessed a shrewd and humorous detachment that enabled him to obVezava: Mehka13,18 €
Symmetry and the Monster(2007) RONAN, MARK (PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO, AND VISITING PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON)The 'Monster of Symmetry' is a giant snowflake in 196,884 dimensions - with a beautiful structure which may turn out to unlock the very fabric of our universe. The story of the hunt for the monster, and its eventual discovery, became the biggest joint matVezava: Mehka19,44 €