86 rezultatov
Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb(2015) RUWAN ABEY RAJAPAKSEVezava: Mehka118,72 €
Introduction to Structural Mechanics for Architects(2018) CUETO, ELIAS,GONZALEZ, DAVIDVezava: Trda106,85 €
Soil and Rock Description in Engineering(2020) NORBURY, DAVIDThis is a revised and updated 3rd edition which incorporates changes in the national and international standards. It is a highly-acclaimed practical guide to the engineering geological description of soils and rocks in the field and is the definitive workVezava: Trda132,89 €
Subsea Rock Installation and Rock Placement(2021) EADIE, ROBERTThis provides essential information about subsea rock installation for operators in the oil, gas and renewable sectors and an invaluable guide for all staff to appreciate the elements of SRI.Vezava: Trda60,29 €
BTEC Nationals Construction Student Book + Activebook(2017) TOPLISS, SIMON,HURST, MIKE,CUMMINGS, SIMON,DONYAVI, SOHRAB70,66 €
Frost Action in Soils(2020)Presents the challenges of cold regions engineering in a changing climate, as well as the current practices and state-of-the-art tools for addressing them. The book is a valuable resource for engineers, scientists, and government agencies involved in coldVezava: Mehka249,83 €
Estimating and Measurement for Simple Building Works in Hong Kong(2020) CHAN, CAROLINE T. W.This book is an introductory text on building measurement and estimating for simple buildings in Hong Kong, based on the Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement, 4th Edition, Revised 2018 (HKSMM4 Rev 2018).Vezava: Mehka78,01 €
LRFD Bridge Design(2022) HUFF, TIMThis book examines and explains material from the 9th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, including deck and parapet design, load calculations, limit states and load combinations, concrete and steel I-girder design, bearing design, anVezava: Trda133,86 €
Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete(2018) LOO, YEW-CHAYE (GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY, QUEENSLAND),CHOWDHURY, SANAUL HUQ (GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY, QUEENSLAND)Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete continues to be the most comprehensive text for engineering students, instructors and practising engineers. Theoretical and practical aspects of analysis and design are presented in a clear manner and are complemented bVezava: Mehka130,60 €
Marshall and Worthing's The Construction of Houses(2021) WORTHING, DEREK,DANN, NIGEL,HEATH, ROGER,MARSHALL, DUNCANThe 6th Edition of The Construction of Houses builds on the success of the previous five editions. The existing chapters have all been updated and most of them expanded to take account of changes to dwelling house construction since the last edition.Vezava: Mehka78,01 €
JCT Contract Administration Pocket Book(2020) ATKINSON, ANDY (LONDON SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY)This book is quite simply about contract administration using the JCT contracts. The key features of the new and updated edition continue to be its brevity, readability and relevance to everyday practice.Vezava: Mehka58,79 €
Blast Effects on Buildings(2019) CORMIE, DAVID,SMITH, PETER D.,MAYS, GEOFF C.Blast Effects on Buildings showcases the latest practical guidance on designing buildings to optimise their resilience to blast loading. Focused specifically on the design of commercial buildings, it is an indispensable guide to help engineers reduce theVezava: Trda157,50 €
Core Concepts of Geotechnical Engineering(2015) SHUKLA, SANJAY KUMARProduced by the Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE Textbooks offer clear, concise and practical information on the major principles of civil and structural engineering. They are an indispensable companion to undergraduate audiencesVezava: Mehka72,59 €
Wind Loading of Structures(2022) HOLMES, JOHN D. (JDH CONSULTING, AUSTRALIA),BEKELE, SEIFUThis authoritative source for practising and academic sturctural engineers and graduate students ties the principles of wind loads on structures to meteorology, bluff-body aerodynamics, probability and statistics, and structural dynamics. It provides a brVezava: Mehka122,11 €
Whole Life Costing for Sustainable Building(2019) TRUSSON, MARIANAWhole life costing is now integral to building procurement both for new buildings and major refurbishments. The reader will be shown how to incorporate this method of whole life valuation into standard cost models allowing for a more robust decision makinVezava: Mehka56,26 €
Technical Due Diligence and Building Surveying for Commercial Property(2018) TAGG, ADRIAN (UNIVERSITY OF READING, UK)The first book to introduce the process of TDD and examine the role of the Building Surveyor within the commercial property sector. Outlines the processes that the surveyor must go through when performing a TDD inspection and covers typical pathology andVezava: Mehka96,67 €
Foundation Design and Construction(2001) TOMLINSON, M.J.This guide combines soil engineering principles, design information, and contruction details. It introduces basic theory and then, by means of case studies, practical worked examples and design charts, develops an understanding of foundation design and coVezava: Mehka130,95 €