64 rezultatov
Jung and Sex(2016) SANTANA, EDWARDThis is first text to provide such a comprehensive analysis of Jung’s views and clinical approaches to sexual issues and treatments.Vezava: Mehka74,62 €
Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma(2014) SIEFF, DANIELA (IS AN INDEPENDENT WRITER AND SCHOLAR, WITH A PHD IN BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY FROM OXFORD UNIVERSITY)This is an interdisciplinary book which explores current understanding of the forces involved in both the creation and healing of emotional trauma.Vezava: Mehka67,97 €
Trauma and Beyond(2020) WIRTZ, URSULAEssential reading and a valuable resource for counsellors, therapists and Jungian analysts who are challenged in their practice with individual and collective traumata.Vezava: Mehka62,46 €
Archetype Revisited(2015) STEVENS, ANTHONY (JUNGIAN ANALYST AND PSYCHIATRIST, UK)Stevens approaches Jung’s archetypes from a scientific perspective, combining several disciplines in an enriched study of human behaviour.Vezava: Mehka76,31 €
Shame and the Origins of Self-Esteem(2016) JACOBY, MARIOJacoby provides a comprehensive exploration of shame and shows how it occupies a central place in our emotional experience.Vezava: Mehka76,31 €
Michael Murphy's Book of Dreams(2017) MURPHY, MICHAELPopular broadcaster and psychoanalyst Michael Murphy analyses the most common dreams to help you understand your unconscious thoughts and decipher the messages they may be sending you about how you can have a richer and more fulfilled life.Vezava: Trda26,39 €
Old and New Horizons of Sandplay Therapy(2021) KALFF, MARTINThis book discusses a number of techniques based on mindfulness such as ‘spontaneous embodiment’, the use of colours, spontaneous poetry, ‘entering into the dream’, to understand the work done in a Sandplay process and dreams and presents examples of clinVezava: Mehka60,62 €
Labyrinths(2017) CLAY, CATRINEThe story of Emma and Carl Jung's highly unconventional marriage, their relationship with Freud, and their part in the early years of Psychoanalysis.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
On Connection(2022) TEMPEST, KAEStaggering talent Kae Tempest's first work of non-fiction: a meditation on the power of creative connection.Vezava: Mehka12,50 €
C. G. Jung and the Alchemical Imagination(2020) MARLAN, STANTONStanton Marlan brings together writings which span the course of his career, examining Jungian psychology and the alchemical imagination as an opening to the mysteries of psyche and soul.Vezava: Mehka62,46 €
Jungian Arts-Based Research and "The Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico"(2020) ROWLAND, SUSAN,WEISHAUS, JOELThis book provides clear, accessible and in-depth guidance both for arts-based researchers using Jung’s ideas and for Jungian scholars undertaking arts-based research. The book provides a central extended example which applies the techniques described toVezava: Mehka62,46 €
Interpretation in Jungian Analysis(2018) WINBORN, MARKThis volume will provide those studying Analytical Psychology with the necessary knowledge and tools to incorporate the technique of interpretation. Clinical examples will be provided throughout the book to illustrate the material being presented.Vezava: Mehka66,14 €
Political Passions and Jungian Psychology(2020)In this book, a multidisciplinary and international selection of Jungian clinicians and academics discuss some of the most compelling issues in contemporary politics.Vezava: Mehka34,10 €
Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process(2021) JUNG, C. G.Jung's legendary American lectures on dream interpretationIn 1936 and 1937, C. G. Jung delivered two legendary seminars on dream interpretation, the first on Bailey Island, Maine, the second in New York City. Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process makVezava: Mehka43,73 €
Exploring Core Competencies in Jungian Psychoanalysis(2022)Presented in five parts, this comprehensive collection offers an in-depth understanding of the core competencies in Jungian psychoanalysis.Vezava: Mehka60,62 €
Shame and Creativity(2017) SKOV, VIBEKEShame and Creativity is about shame and how we can use creative methods to transform shame into a lifelong process of self-development. Using a Jungian understanding of the personal and collective unconscious, shame is described as one of the most centralVezava: Mehka60,62 €
On Theology and Psychology(2020) JUNG, C. G.,KELLER, ADOLFJung's correspondence with one of the twentieth century's leading theologians and ecumenicistsOn Theology and Psychology brings together C. G. Jung's correspondence with Adolf Keller, a celebrated Protestant theologian who was one of the pioneers of the mVezava: Trda59,35 €