382617 rezultatov
Take Back Plenty(2013) GREENLAND, COLINA BSFA and ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD winning novel, available for the first time in 15 years!Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
Legion of Shadow(2013) WARD, MICHAEL J.FIGHTING FANTASY meets WORLD OF WARCRAFT - a new type of adventure novel for a new generation. Complex, well-written and impossible to put down.Vezava: Mehka23,61 €
The Night Lies Bleeding(2018) LACHLAN, M.D.Norse myths, werewolves and the second world war collide in the final volume of the bestselling series which began with WOLFSANGELVezava: Mehka20,67 €
Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe(2012) COMPTON, D GNow on the acclaimed SF Masterworks list, D.G. Compton's extraordinary novel is a forgotten classic of British SF that exposed the pitfalls of voyeuristic entertainment decades before the likes of THE TRUMAN SHOW.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Thing Itself(2016) ROBERTS, ADAMIt seems we are alone in the Universe. How can that be? Adam Roberts brings his own unique literary take to Science Fiction's greatest question.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Sea and Summer(2013) TURNER, GEORGEThe ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD-winning novel of climate change in the not-too-distant future.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Slow River(2013) GRIFFITH, NICOLAA masterwork of feminist SF - winner of the 1997 NEBULA AWARD for Best Novel.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
All Together Dead(2011) HARRIS, CHARLAINEBetrayed by her longtime vampire love, and with a new man - a shapeshifter - in her life, Sookie's got quite enough to deal with without having to contend with the long-awaited vampire summit . . .Vezava: Mehka12,50 €
From Dead to Worse(2011) HARRIS, CHARLAINETelepathic barmaid Sookie Stackhouse returns to find herself facing danger, death and betrayal by someone she loves.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Dead As A Doornail(2011) HARRIS, CHARLAINEThe Golden Globe award-winning series, now showing on FX, the channel that brought us DEXTER.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Angels' Flight(2013) SINGH, NALINIFour novellas set in the world of Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Definitely Dead(2011) HARRIS, CHARLAINEThe Golden Globe award-winning series, now showing on FX, the channel that brought us DEXTER.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Dead To The World(2011) HARRIS, CHARLAINEThe Golden Globe award-winning series, now showing on FX, the channel that brought us DEXTER.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Celestial(2023) LACHLAN, M.D.An alternative history set during the heyday of the space race. Combining cerebral science fiction with popular history, this is a remarkable examination of empathy and what it means to be human.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
New York in Cinematic Imagination(2023) FILIPCEVIC CORDES, VOJISLAVANew York in Cinematic Imagination is an interdisciplinary study into urbanism and cinematic representations of the American metropolis in the twentieth centuryVezava: Mehka69,81 €
Psychology for Coaches(2021) SWIEZY, MACIEJPsychology for Coaches offers its readers a chance to ground their interpersonal skills in sound psychological theory and research. It provides a solid, synthetic overview of current concepts and research results, translating them into hands-on recommendaVezava: Mehka40,41 €
Multiple Objective Analytics for Criminal Justice Systems(2020) EVANS, GERALD W. (UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, USA)Criminal justice systems are complex and difficult to design and operate. This is due to their many interacting parts, and dynamic and probabilistic nature, as well as their interfaces with other systems. This book reviews the use of analytics to addressVezava: Trda86,50 €
Routledge Companion to Butoh Performance(2020)The Routledge Companion to Butoh Performance provides a comprehensive introduction to and analysis of this global art form.Vezava: Mehka72,92 €
Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition(2022) LU, XIAOFEIIn Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, Xiaofei Lu comprehensively reviews empirical studies that employ corpus linguistic methods to examine learner and task variables that condition variation in second language use.Vezava: Mehka66,14 €