133 rezultatov
Safety at sea for small-scale fishers in the Caribbean(2020) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIONThrough explanatory illustrations, this manual provides guidance on safety matters related to work on a small-scale fishing vessel (fire safety, deck safety, lifesaving equipment, lighting and ventilation), personal safety, and navigational safety. ChecksVezava: Mehka37,16 €
Comparison of the Trade Union Merger Process in Britain and Germany(2019) HOFFMAN, JURGEN,KAHMANN, MARCUS,WADDINGTON, JEREMYFocusing on trade union mergers in Britain and Germany, and drawing on interviews with senior policy-makers, this book addresses reasons for mergers, examines the conclusion processes, and analyzes costs and benefits for post-merger organizations.Vezava: Mehka48,23 €
Naked Safety - Exploring The Dynamics of Safety in a Fast-Changing World(2018) SHARMAN, ANDREWNaked Safety will take readers to the cutting edge of workplace health, safety and risk management by challenging traditional views and catalysing critical thinking.Vezava: Trda119,60 €
Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction(2015) HUGHES, PHIL,FERRETT, EDIntroduction to Health and Safety in Construction has been specially written for the thousands of students who complete the NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety each year.Vezava: Mehka110,24 €
Synesis(2020) HOLLNAGEL, ERIKThis book shows how to overcome the traditional thinking in silos that limits the dominant change management approaches.Vezava: Trda60,62 €
MCQs, MEQs and OSPEs in Occupational Medicine(2022)This second edition of the well-regarded Multiple Choice Questions and Revision Aid in Occupational Medicine continues as a comprehensive revision and study resource for those preparing for professional examinations in occupational health, occupational meVezava: Mehka55,11 €
ISO 45001 Implementation(2022) SOLTANIFAR, MEHRDADOccupational health and safety is a major challenge for many organizations. Regardless of the size and nature of their business, organizations should protect their people and provide a safe and healthy working environment.Vezava: Mehka74,62 €
National Policy, Global Giants - How Australia Built and Lost its Automotive Industry(2020) WORMALD, JOHN,RENNICK, KIMDescribing the lifecycle of an auto-industry - its birth, growth, functioning and death - and the shifting relationship it has with the government that supports it, this book will appeal to leaders and managers in the automotive industry and officials inVezava: Trda69,53 €
ETTO Principle: Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade-Off(2009) HOLLNAGEL, ERIKIntends to present a single, simple but powerful principle for human performance that can be used to understand both positive and negative outcomes.Vezava: Mehka81,40 €
Rent of Form(2019) ARANTES, PEDRO FIORI"The Rent of Form: Architecture and Labor in the Digital Age was first published in a different form in the original Portuguese as Arquitetura na era digital-financeira: desenho, canteiro e renda da forma (Saao Paolo, Brazil: Editora 34 Ltdsa., 2012)".Vezava: Trda159,47 €
Foundations of Safety Science(2019) DEKKER, SIDNEY (GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY, NATHAN CAMPUS, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA)This book offers a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations of safety science and provides balanced treatment of all approaches since the early 20th century, showing interlinkages and cross-connections between the approaches.Vezava: Mehka83,10 €
Health and Safety at Work For Dummies(2016) RRCAre you complying with health and safety regulations in the workplace? Making mistakes in many areas of health and safety can be both incredibly dangerous and hugely costly. So what can you do to avoid hazards and expensive, time-consuming legal battlesVezava: Mehka27,78 €
Security Management for Healthcare(2019) SCAGLIONE, BERNARDThis book presents information about the topic and tools a healthcare security professional can use to effectively reduce the potential for violence within their facility.Vezava: Mehka84,79 €
Architecture and Health(2019)Architecture and Health brings together architects, academics, social scientists and more to explore and analyse innovative design strategies that advance health. This book proposes a set of principles that can be used to design environments to promote heVezava: Mehka78,01 €
International Health and Safety at Work(2021) HUGHES, PHIL,FERRETT, ED,HUGHES MBE, PHILThis book has been specially written in simple English for the thousands of students who complete the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Health and Safety each year. Fully revised in alignment with the 2019 syllabus, this fourth edition providesVezava: Mehka78,01 €
Introducing Employment Relations(2020) WILLIAMS, STEVE (READER IN EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS, READER IN EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS, UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH)Combining a broad variety of contemporary examples with up-to-date research, this thought-provoking text will help you to develop your knowledge, understanding, and critical assessment of the main theories and themes relating to employment relations.Vezava: Mehka105,15 €