23248 rezultatov
Social Work Skills and Knowledge: A Practice Handbook(2012) TREVITHICK, PAMELAA leading text in the field of social work skills and methods, illustrating how these two are linked, with a grounding in theory.Vezava: Mehka56,95 €
Executive Coaching: A Psychodynamic Approach(2011) SANDLER, CATHERINEThis book aims to provide the reader with a clear and concise introduction to psychodynamic concepts and their application to executive coaching.Vezava: Mehka55,11 €
Teaching Young Children: Choices in Theory and Practice(2008) MAC NAUGHTON, GLENDA,WILLIAMS, GILLIANVezava: Mehka51,44 €
Toolkit for Creative Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education(2009) EASTWOOD, LINDA,COATES, JENNIE,DIXON, LIZ,HARVEY, JOSIE,ORMONDROYD, CHRIS,WILLIAMSON, SARAHA Toolkit for Creative Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education is an essential handbook for teacher training students and for new and experienced teachers undertaking Professional Development.Vezava: Mehka51,44 €
Workplace Learning in Health and Social Care: A Student's Guide(2011) JACKSON, CAROLYN,THURGATE, CLAIREProvides some great tips on learning within a work environment. This book is bursting with helpful knowledge on formulating action plans, working with mentors, personal development plans and the importance of career planning. It includes concepts that areVezava: Mehka45,92 €
Study Skills for Business and Management Students(2009) ALLAN, BARBARAStudy Skills for Business and Management Students has been carefully structured to be used throughout a degree course in order to hone the skills necessary to get a good degree and begin a successful career.Vezava: Mehka34,90 €
Introducing Contemporary Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy: The art and science of the unconscious(2019) ROSS, ALISTAIRVezava: Mehka55,11 €
MBA Admissions Strategy: From Profile Building to Essay Writing(2017) GORDON, AVIMBA Admissions Strategy is a guide to the four aspects of a successful, competitive business school application.Vezava: Trda34,90 €
Building a Coaching Business: Ten steps to success 2e(2017) ROGERS, JENNYFor all coaches in training and starting their coaching business.Vezava: Mehka47,76 €
Preparing to Teach in Secondary Schools: A Student Teacher's Guide to Professional Issues in Secondary Education(2019) ABBOTT, IAN,HUDDLESTON, PRUE,MIDDLEWOOD, DAVIDVezava: Mehka60,62 €
Fiona and the Rainy Day(2021)It’s raining, but Fiona wants to be with her friends. Can Fiona hang out with her friends and enjoy the rain too?Vezava: Mehka6,94 €
Case for Christ Devotions for Kids(2021) STROBEL, LEEBased on the New York Times bestselling The Case for Christ, with over 5 million copies sold, this devotional for kids celebrates the life of Jesus and explores what it means to be a Christian, while also tackling your tough questions about God.Vezava: Trda18,05 €
Amber’s Song(2021) PITTS, KAITLYN,PITTS, CAMRYN,PITTS, OLIVIAWhen the Daniels sisters head out for their annual week’s stay at Camp Caracara they anticipate making many more good memories at one of their favorite places in the world. But from the very start, Amber realizes that this year’s time at camp is going toVezava: Mehka9,72 €
I Can Read My Illustrated Bible(2020)The I Can Read My Illustrated Bible tells beloved Bible stories in simple language that children can read all by themselves.Vezava: Trda18,05 €
Berenstain Bears Stand Up to Bullying(2018) BERENSTAIN, MIKEIn The Berenstain Bears Face Up to Bullying , everyone knows Too-Tall Grizzly and his gang are a bunch of bullies. But the cubs learn that bullies can be bullied too.Vezava: Mehka5,55 €
Journalists and Confidential Sources(2022) FERNANDEZ, JOSEPH MThis book explores the fraught and widespread reliance by journalists on anonymous sources, whistleblowers and others to whom they owe an obligation of confidentiality. It examines the difficulties afflicting such relationships and explores solutions andVezava: Mehka69,54 €
Essential Revision for A Level Film Studies(2021) DIXON, MARKThis comprehensive revision guide contains everything students need to know to succeed on their A Level Film Studies course.Vezava: Mehka34,90 €
SLA Applied(2021) TOMLINSON, BRIAN (UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL),MASUHARA, HITOMI (UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL)This book introduces research-based SLA acquisition theories and provides practical suggestions for applying them to language learning courses in relation to their syllabus, materials, methodology, and assessment. It is written to be engaging and relevantVezava: Mehka56,95 €