23246 rezultatov
Conspiracy Theories(2016) GULYAS, AARON JOHNNarratives based on conspiratorial and paranoid thinking have become increasingly prominent throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. From the prosaic to the outlandish, conspiracy theories and the narratives constructed by those who believe thVezava: Mehka60,55 €
USS Enterprise (CV-6)(2020) DOYLE, DAVIDA concise history of the design, development, and deployment of USS Enterprise (CV-6).Vezava: Trda28,35 €
Fokker Dr. 1(2020) WILKINS, MARK C.This book presents the evolution and development of perhaps the most iconic German fighter of WWI—the Fokker Dr. 1 triplane or “Dreidecker.”Vezava: Trda28,35 €
USS Lexington (CV/CVA-16)(2020) DOYLE, DAVIDThe history of this famed vessel is presented through over 200 photographs and accompanying narrative.Vezava: Trda28,35 €
Jewish Edinburgh(2019) GILFILLAN, M.D.This first full-length history of the Jews of Edinburgh chronicles their immigration to Scotland's capital city from Russia during the 1880s in the wake of Tsarist persecution, and examines their reception by native Scots.Vezava: Mehka79,64 €
Subsmash(2011) GALLOP, ALANApril 16th 2011 sees the 60th anniversary of the mysterious disappearance of the submarine HMS Affray.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
In Search of a Better Life: British and Irish Migration(2011)Challenges the traditional histories of British and Irish migration, the stories of oppression and exile that form an essential part of the existing literature.Vezava: Trda26,39 €
Devonshire Folk Tales(2010) DACRE, MICHAELThis collection of traditional stories and tales, many of which are published for the first time, will delight lovers of Devonshire folklore. Some of the stories have been gleaned from residents of the county, whilst others have been developed by the authVezava: Mehka18,05 €
Wiltshire Folk Tales(2011) HARTSIOTIS, KIRSTYThese Wiltshire folk tales have all stood the test of time, and remain classic texts that will be enjoyed time and again by modern readers.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €