23246 rezultatov
Reclaiming Radical Ideas in Schools(2017) MOFFAT, ANDREWReclaiming Radical Ideas in the Classroom provides support for every primary school in the provision of SMSC, the teaching of British values and preparation for life in modern Britain. This resource will help primary schools work together to create an incVezava: Mehka25,83 €
Supporting Boys’ Writing in the Early Years(2018) CIGMAN, JULIESupporting Boys’ Writing in the Early Years shows you how you can help boys to become confident and capable writers by supporting them to write in ways that make sense to them. This second edition has new examples and case studies from a range of recent pVezava: Mehka45,94 €
Power of Ritual(2021) TER KUILE, CASPER‘The rare book that really might change your life. It has certainly changed mine.’ – John Green, Author of The Fault in Our StarsVezava: Mehka13,88 €
The Nigrescent Beyond - Mexico, the United States, and the Psychic Vanishing of Blackness(2020) WILSON, RICARDO A.Despite New Spain's significant participation in the early transatlantic slave trade, the collective imagination of the Mexican nation evolved in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to understand itself as devoid of a black presence. Ricardo Wilson proVezava: Mehka79,59 €
Schools of Our Own(2019) HAYES, WORTH KAMILIRecounts how a diverse contingent of educators, nuns, and political activists embraced institution building as the most effective means to attain quality education. This book makes a fascinating addition to scholarly debates about education, segregation,Vezava: Mehka39,60 €
Guerrilla Theory(2019) APPLEGATE, MATTHEWExamines the political, ontological, and technological underpinnings of the guerrilla in the digital humanities. Matthew Applegate uses the guerrilla to connect popular iterations of digital humanities’ practice to its political rhetoric and infrastructurVezava: Trda193,13 €
SS(2002) KOEHL, ROBERT LEWISThis disturbing story reveals not only the inner workings of the SS, but its paramount role in the mass murder of Europe's Jews, homosexuals and gypsies, its organisation of the death squads and the military campaigns undertaken by the Waffen SS.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
In the East(2022) DEKEL, MIKHAL (CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK)The extraordinary true story of Polish-Jewish child refugees who escaped the Nazis and found refuge in Iran.Vezava: Mehka24,10 €
Literary Knowing and the Making of English Teachers(2022) MCLEAN DAVIES, LARISSA,DOECKE, BRENTON,MEAD, PHILIP,SAWYER, WAYNE (UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA),YATES, LYN (UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA)At a time when knowledge is being 're-valued' as central to curriculum concerns, subject English is being called to account. This book puts long-standing debates about knowledge and knowing in English in dialogue with an investigation of how English teachVezava: Mehka66,14 €
Pioneering Perspectives in Cooperative Learning(2022)Offering first-hand insights from the early originators of Cooperative Learning (CL), this volume documents the evolution of CL, illustrating its historical and contemporary research, and highlights the personal experiences which have helped inspire and gVezava: Mehka71,65 €
Representation of Japanese Politics in Manga(2022)This edited volume explores political motives, discourses and agendas in Japanese manga and graphic art with the objective of highlighting the agency of Japanese and wider Asian story-telling traditions within the context of global political traditions.Vezava: Mehka69,54 €