23330 rezultatov
In Teachers We Trust(2021) SAHLBERG, PASI,WALKER, TIMOTHY D.Seven key principles from Finland for building a culture of trust in schools around the world.Vezava: Trda38,57 €
Making of a Therapist(2021) COZOLINO, LOUIS (PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY)A paperback edition of the classic guide for new therapists seeing clients for the first time.Vezava: Mehka42,25 €
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga in Therapy(2015) EMERSON, DAVIDThis practical guide presents the cutting-edge work of the Trauma Center’s yoga therapy programme, teaching all therapists how to incorporate it into their practices.Vezava: Trda44,09 €
Doing History(2022) LEVSTIK, LINDA S. (UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, USA),BARTON, KEITH C. (INDIANA UNIVERSITY, USA)This edition offers a unique perspective on teaching and learning history in the elementary and middle grades. Through case studies of teachers and students in diverse classrooms and from diverse backgrounds, it shows children engaging in authentic historVezava: Mehka113,63 €
SEND Intervention(2022) CARTER, JUDITH (WILLOW TREE LEARNING LTD)This essential resource provides a practical toolkit to support SENCOs and SEN practitioners as they organise and structure SEND provision in their settings. The book helpfully clarifies and explores the key distinctions between quality first teaching, inVezava: Mehka45,92 €
Essays on Music and History in Africa(2018)This classic ethnomusicological survey provides a valuable guide to African music. The essays review a broad swath of genres and topics, including court songs and music history, musical instruments in different traditions, and the connection between IslamVezava: Mehka101,04 €
Virginal Mother in German Culture(2019) NOSSETT, LAURENPresents an analysis of the contradictory obsession with female virginity and idealization of maternal nature in Germany from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Lauren Nossett explores how the ideal of woman as both a sexless and maternVezava: Mehka38,64 €
Straddling Worlds(2019) HARPER, STEVEN J.Steven Harper pays tribute to a respected teacher with this biography of a distinguished William Smith Mason Professor of History at Northwestern University, Richard W. Leopold. When Leopold invited him to review his biographical materials to prepare a NeVezava: Mehka39,23 €
Portraits of Resilience(2017) JACKSON, DANIEL (MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY)Vezava: Trda33,08 €
Gods in Britain(2012) DUDLEY, JILLIntends to explore how, and even why, early Christianity took over. In this book, the author travels from England to Scotland, from Cornwall to Wales in search of the pagan past, gathering myths and legends on the way. It also includes a useful Glossary aVezava: Mehka11,11 €
Rockhopper Copper(2011)The life and times of the people of Tristan da Cunha, the most remote inhabited island on Earth.Vezava: Mehka16,00 €
Mummy, Please Don’t Leave(2021) WATSON, CASEYA heartbreaking true story of a broken family and the foster carer who wants to keep them together…Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
COBUILD Phrasal Verbs Dictionary(2020)This new edition of the Collins COBUILD Phrasal Verbs Dictionary offers comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the most important phrasal verbs in English.Vezava: Mehka22,22 €
Let Me Go(2020) WATSON, CASEYLet Me Go is the powerful new memoir from foster carer and Sunday Times bestselling author Casey Watson.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Diplomatic Cultures and International Politics(2017)This volume offers an inter-disciplinary and critical analysis of the role of culture in diplomatic practice, featuring leading international scholars.Vezava: Mehka86,50 €