10009 rezultatov
Inventing Mobility for All(2022) HERRMANN, ANDREAS (UNIVERSITY OF ST. GALLEN, SWITZERLAND),JUNGWIRTH, JOHANN (MOBILEYE, ISRAEL)Inventing Mobility For All: Mastering Mobility-as-a-Service with Self-Driving Vehicles describes Mobility-as-a-Service and explains the impact of this mobility concept on social and societal life as well as on people's travel behavior.Vezava: Mehka38,57 €
Setting Up a Successful Photography Business(2021) PRITCHARD, LISAThis revised second edition of the best-selling handbook provides practical, actionable insights on how to establish a successful photography business in the current climate.Vezava: Mehka60,62 €
ValueWeb(2016) SKINNER, CHRISAn extensive discussion on thethird generation Internet, ValueWeb, allowing consumers and machines to connectand share value in real time and for free.Vezava: Trda27,78 €
Made for China(2017) NOTHHAFT, CHRISTIANWritten by a successful business leader, this book is a timely must-read for anyone seeking to understand Chinese consumers, the Chinese market and what makes Chinese entrepreneurs tick – helping them learn how to do business “Made for China”.Vezava: Mehka14,35 €
Scrum - A Pocket Guide - 3rd edition(2021) GUNTHER VERHEYEN,This pocket guide to Scrum is the one book for everyone who wants to learn or re-learn about Scrum. The book describes the framework as it was designed and intended, with a strong focus on the purpose to the rules and adding an historical perspective to S28,72 €
The New World of Work - Shaping a Future that Helps People, Organizations and Our Societies to Thrive(2021) CHEESE, PETERUse this practical guide from the leading voice in the people profession to ensure your business and your workforce thrive in the new world of work.Vezava: Trda63,92 €
New World of Work(2021) CHEESE, PETERUse this practical guide from the leading voice in the people profession to ensure your business and your workforce thrive in the new world of work.Vezava: Mehka49,26 €
Hiring for Attitude: A Revolutionary Approach to Recruiting and Selecting People with Both Tremendous Skills and Superb Attitude(2016) MURPHY, MARKThis groundbreaking guide overturns old, failed hiring practices and reveals how to create a powerful, effective workforce designed for the long runVezava: Mehka19,44 €
Transform to Outperform(2022) ROBINSON, SUSIETransformation starts with you. Unlock your potential – and enable your team to do the same – with 7 momentum-building leadership powers that create outstanding results.Vezava: Mehka22,38 €
Ethics of Data and Analytics(2022) MARTIN, KIRSTENThis textbook provides faculty the major concepts and cases to include in a class on the ethics of data analytics. The book is distinct as it focuses on ethics of data analytics, AI, and data (rather than infrastructure and reliability) and by explicitlyVezava: Mehka96,67 €
Social Media Communication(2021) ZHONG, BU (PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, USA)Vezava: Mehka60,05 €
A History of Big Recessions in the Long Twentieth Century(2020) SOLIMANO, ANDRESThis book examines the array of financial crises, slumps, depressions and recessions that happened around the globe during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Its wide geographic and historical coverage of episodes in North America, Europe, LaVezava: Mehka49,60 €