10009 rezultatov
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Business(2016) BAYLEY, TESS,TULLETT, KAREN,OLIVER, LEANNA,WAINWRIGHT, DIANNESupport your teaching of the new Cambridge Technicals 2016 suite with Cambridge Technical Level 3 Business, developed in partnership between OCR and Hodder Education; this textbook covers each specialist pathway and ensures your ability to deliver a flexiVezava: Mehka66,38 €
That Will Never Work(2021) RANDOLPH, MARCIn the vein of Phil Knight's SHOE DOG, this is the inside story of the creation of Netflix, one of the world's most successful entertainment companies, from the very first CEO.Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
Internationalization of Firms(2017) PARIETTI, LAURA VANOLI (UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG, SWITZERLAND)This book addresses one of the most important topics scrutinized by the scholars of International Business. Moreover, no studies have been undertaken on the impact of institutional distance on the internationalization choices of Swiss firms.Vezava: Trda128,89 €
Work Effectively in Finance Tutorial(2016) FARDON, MICHAELAn essential teaching text for the AAT AQ2016 Foundation Certificate in Accounting (Level 2) Unit 'Work Effectively in Finance'. Presented in a clear and accessible style the text is written closely to the AAT syllabus and contains Case Studies, Key TermVezava: Mehka32,73 €
Leading With Values - Strategies for Making Ethical Decisions in Business and Life(2022) KEN SHOTTSVezava: Trda64,30 €
Ten Year Career - Reimagine Business, Design Your Life, Fast Track Your Freedom(2022) COOK, JODIEReimagine your future, adjust your efforts, jump into action and work for just ten more years before doing what the hell you want!Vezava: Mehka20,83 €
Lean Production for Competitive Advantage - A Comprehensive Guide to Lean Methodologies and Management Practices, Second Edition(2018) JOHN NICHOLASVezava: Trda120,43 €
Banking Associations - Their Role and Impact in a Time of Market Change(2022) SREDOJEVIC, SLADJANA,BRKOVIC, MILANVezava: Trda90,53 €
Financial Management for Decision Makers(2019) ATRILL, PETERFinancial Management for Decision Makers 9th Edition provides students with a unique focus on the practical application of financial management and its role in decision making. Covering topics such as financial planning, making capital investment decisionVezava: Mehka119,88 €
Drivers and stressors of resilience to food insecurity - evidence from 35 countries, background paper for 'The State of Food and Agriculture 2021'(2022) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION,D'ERRICO, MARCOThis paper finds that diversification of income sources, education and access to agricultural inputs are the main drivers of households' resilience capacity. Reducing the food consumed, seeking extra jobs, selling assets, using credit and relying on sociaVezava: Mehka68,12 €
Free to Focus(2019) HYATT, MICHAELMichael Hyatt reveals to readers nine proven ways to win at work so they are free to succeed at the rest of life - health, relationships, hobbies, and more. He helps readers redefine their goals, evaluate what's working, cut the nonessentials, focus on thVezava: Mehka22,22 €
Emerging Domestic Markets(2021) FAIRCHILD, GREGORYGregory Fairchild introduces readers to the rising set of entrepreneurs whose efforts to reach marginalized groups are reshaping the emerging markets of the United States. He explores how minority-owned and community-development institutions are achievingVezava: Trda46,86 €