Zbirka: Ekonomija, finance, posel in management

9998 rezultatov

  • Ogled izdelka
    Speaking Out on Governance(2020) MIDANEK, DEBORAH HICKS
    Vezava: Mehka
    44,22 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Global Marketing, Global Edition(2020) GREEN, MARK,KEEGAN, WARREN
    Vezava: Mehka
    134,64 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    They Don't Teach Corporate in College(2019) ALEXANDRA LEVIT
    Vezava: Mehka
    20,89 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Market Research in Practice(2021) HAGUE, PAUL
    Develop your market research skills with this bestselling guide that explains how to utilize market research tools and methods effectively to obtain reliable results.
    Vezava: Mehka
    73,49 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    National Debt(2018) SLATER, MARTIN
    The story of our National Debt told through key events in British history. A NEW STATESMAN BOOK OF THE YEAR
    Vezava: Trda
    40,20 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Microsoft Teams in easy steps(2021) VANDOME, NICK
    Microsoft Teams in easy steps is the perfect guide to understanding Teams and becoming a fully-integrated team player.
    Vezava: Mehka
    17,90 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Phoenix Encounter Power Pack: Two-Book Bundle(2021) WOODWARD, IAN,PADMANABHAN, V. “PADDY",HASIJA, SAMEER,CHARAN, RAM
    45,01 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Phoenix Encounter Method: Implementation Guide(2021) WOODWARD, IAN,PADMANABHAN, V. "PADDY",HASIJA, SAMEER,CHARAN, RAM
    Vezava: Mehka
    16,66 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Be Nimble(2021) STRONG, MARTY
    Addresses classic leadership challenges and the effects of global business disruption exaggerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Vezava: Mehka
    22,38 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Performance Curve(2021) WATKINS, LAURA,DIETZEL, VANESSA
    Vezava: Trda
    34,45 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Corporates Strike Back(2022) SAUBERSCHWARZ, LUCAS,WEISS, LYSANDER
    Vezava: Trda
    114,48 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Co-Innovation Platforms(2021) MADSEN, TAMMY L.,CRUICKSHANK, DAVID
    This book is about how to use, as well as develop, a co-innovation platform to accelerate innovation and sustain ecosystem growth. By providing access to demand-side and supply-side resources and capabilities to facilitate co-innovation, the platform solv
    Vezava: Trda
    59,71 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Developing an ISO 13485-Certified Quality Management System(2022) JUUSO, ILKKA
    This book details the lessons learned from a real-world project focusing on building an ISO 13485:2016 Quality Management System (QMS) from scratch and then having it officially certified. It is a practical guide to building or improving your existing QMS
    Vezava: Mehka
    84,79 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Twenty-one Mental Models That Can Change Policing(2021) MITCHELL, RENEE J.
    This book goes beyond other police leadership books to teach practitioners how to think about policing in a structured way that synthesizes criminological theory, statistics, research design, applied research, and what works and what doesn’t in policing i
    Vezava: Mehka
    60,62 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Do Business Better - Traits, Habits, and Actions To Help You Succeed(2019) MASON, DAMIAN
    Vezava: Trda
    26,39 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    The Retreat of Western Liberalism(2018) LUCE, EDWARD
    An insightful and brilliantly researched book about modern society, and a stirring analysis of how enlightened ideas can be defended from the issues we currently face.
    Vezava: Mehka
    15,27 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Vezava: Mehka
    94,97 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Distributive Justice and Taxation(2022) PEDERSEN, JØRGEN (UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NORWAY)
    Providing a thorough examination of distributive justice, Distributive Justice and Taxation presents and discusses different theories of what constitutes a just society, and how goods should be distributed in such a society.
    Vezava: Mehka
    69,54 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Story of an Epoch Making Movement(2021) NATHAN, MAUD
    Published in 1926: The author tells the story of the Consumers’ League from the genesis of the idea through the days of its development to its present days of power.
    Vezava: Mehka
    58,79 €

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