382617 rezultatov
Bad Taste(2024) OLAH, NATHALIEA bold and original exploration from a renowned radical thinker, exploring the consequences of our obsession with image and tasteVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Advocate(2023) OFORI, LENNINAPart-memoir, part-manifesto, Advocate demonstrates how we can all be a voice for change in an increasingly divided worldVezava: Trda26,39 €
Law of the Sea(2022) CHURCHILL, ROBIN,LOWE, VAUGHAN,SANDER, AMYThe law of the sea provides an up to date and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the subject. Based on extensive research, it combines clarity of expression with depth of analysis. -- .Vezava: Mehka95,41 €
Advocate(2025) OFORI, LENNINAPart-memoir, part-manifesto, Advocate demonstrates how we can all be a voice for change in an increasingly divided worldVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Dr Faustus: the A- and B- Texts (1604, 1616)(2014)Dr. Faustus is one of the jewels of early modern English drama, and is still widely performed today. Interestingly, the play has come down to the contemporary audience in two distinct versions that have become known as the 'A' and the 'B' texts. David BevVezava: Mehka18,94 €
Museums and Empire(2010) MACKENZIE, JOHN M.Museums and Empire is the first book to examine the origins and development of museums in six major regions if the British Empire in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. -- .Vezava: Mehka43,07 €
Royalists and Royalism During the Interregnum(2010)This volume offers a variety of fresh and exciting perspectives on Royalist politics, religion and culture during the Interregnum. Between them, these essays are an important milestone in the recovery of the Royalist experience of the 1650s. -- .Vezava: Trda115,17 €
Cultural Politics of Contemporary Hollywood Film(2019) BEASLEY, CHRIS,BROOK, HEATHERUsing an innovative syncretic ‘cultural politics’ approach drawing on political theory, film studies and sociology, this book unpacks how political myths about states, citizens, community, intimate life and social criticism operate in Hollywood narrativesVezava: Trda75,30 €
Uk Financial System(2016) BUCKLE, MIKE,THOMPSON, JOHNThe fifth edition of this successful textbook provides an up-to-date discussion of the UK financial system and the changes currently affecting it. -- .Vezava: Mehka60,29 €
Rise and Fall of the Scottish Cotton Industry, 1778–1914(2010) COOKE, ANTHONYThis is the first full-length history of the Scottish cotton industry, from its beginnings in the late eighteenth century to its premature decline in the years leading up to the First World War. -- .Vezava: Trda108,77 €
Holiday Camps in Twentieth-Century Britain(2011) DAWSON, SANDRAThis book tells the fascinating story of the Butlin and Warner holiday camp chains that emerged in the 1930s. The camps became a cultural phenomenon deeply enmeshed in the social and cultural history of twentieth century Britain. -- .Vezava: Trda125,51 €
On Our Own Terms(1996) MULLINGS, LEITHUsing cross-cultural, historical and ethnographic perspectives of anthropology to illuminate the the intrinsic connections of race, class and gender, this volume explores these issues in the arena of work, kinship and resistance.Vezava: Mehka80,62 €
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising(1993)Philosophers, legal scholars and social scientists amongst others explore the issues provoked by the Rodney King beating, they illuminate the interplay of ideological, political and economic forces impinging on urban America.Vezava: Mehka82,04 €
Philosophy of Horror(1990) CARROLL, NOELFirst Published in 1990. Noel Carroll, film scholar and philosopher, offers the first serious look at the aesthetics of horror. In this book he discusses the nature and narrative structures of the genre, dealing with horror as a "transmedia" phenomenon.Vezava: Mehka74,62 €
Theories of Art(2000) BARASCH, MOSHEBarasch expertly guides the reader from the interwoven traditions of antiquity, through the aesthetic values of the Middle Ages, to the branching out of art history, art criticism, abstract aesthetics in the late Renaissance.Vezava: Mehka67,97 €
Understanding Political Science Research Methods(2013) BARAKSO, MARYANN,SABET, DANIEL M.,SCHAFFNER, BRIANVezava: Mehka117,02 €
Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships(2013) PAPERNOW, PATRICIA L. (IN PRIVATE PRACTICE, MASSACHUSETTS, USA)Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships is designed to be useful both to stepfamily members themselves and to a wide variety of practitioners, as well as to educators, judges, mediators, lawyers and medical personnel.Vezava: Mehka73,49 €
Compassion Fatigue Workbook(2011) MATHIEU, FRANCOISE (COMPASSION FATIGUE SOLUTIONS, ONTARIO, CANADA)The Compassion Fatigue Workbook is a lifeline for any mental-health professional facing the physical and emotional exhaustion that can shadow work in the helping professions.Vezava: Mehka71,65 €