12589 rezultatov
Map and the Clock(2017)Gathers fourteen centuries of extraordinary verse - beginning with the first writings from the old languages of England and Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and culminating in some of our most recent poets, speaking in our present-day tongues.Vezava: Mehka20,83 €
How to Eat a Poem(2007) & LITERACY, AMERICAN POETRYSeventy lighthearted, much-loved poems cover everything from books and imagination to friendship and the beauty of the natural world. Includes such notable poets as Lewis Carroll, Ogden Nash, and Marianne Moore. Includes 2 selections from the Common Core4,16 €
Karaghiozis - Three Modern Greek Shadow-play Comedies(2020)The scripts of three shadow-plays translated from recollections of mutliple performances in Greek withnessed by Theodore Stephaides in various places in the years 1920-1940. These playscripts are essentially recreations, complete with stage directions.Vezava: Mehka16,80 €
Dr Faustus: the A- and B- Texts (1604, 1616)(2014)Dr. Faustus is one of the jewels of early modern English drama, and is still widely performed today. Interestingly, the play has come down to the contemporary audience in two distinct versions that have become known as the 'A' and the 'B' texts. David BevVezava: Mehka18,94 €
History of the Wars, Volume IV(1924) PROCOPIUSHistory of the Wars by Procopius (late fifth century to after AD 558) consists largely of sixth-century military history, with much information about peoples, places, and special events. Powerful description complements careful narration. Procopius is jusVezava: Trda42,98 €
Attic Nights, Volume I(1927) GELLIUSAulus Gellius in Attic Nights (Gellius began to write these pieces during stays in Athens) composed a collection of short chapters about notable events, words and questions of literary style, lives of historical figures, legal points, and philosophical isVezava: Trda42,98 €
Library of History, Volume III(1939) DIODORUS SICULUSLibrary of History is in three parts: mythical history to the Trojan War; history to Alexander’s death (323 BC); history to 54 BC. Books 1–5 and 11–20 survive complete, the rest in fragments.Vezava: Trda42,98 €
Pastoral(2019) GIFFORD, TERRY (UNIVERSITY OF CHICESTER, UK)Updated throughout, this new edition provides a clear and invaluable introduction to the study of Pastoral. Terry Gifford traces the history of the genre from its classical origins through to contemporary writing and introduces the major writers and critiVezava: Mehka34,44 €
King Lear 'After' Auschwitz(2022) ASHBY, RICHARDProvides the first dedicated study on appropriations of King Lear in British playwriting of the post-war, developing valuable new perspectives on the legacy of Shakespeare in post-war drama and culture.Vezava: Mehka40,30 €
Handbook of Narrative Analysis(2019) HERMAN, LUC,VERVAECK, BARTStories are everywhere, from fiction across media to politics and personal identity. Handbook of Narrative Analysis sorts out both traditional and recent narrative theories, providing the necessary skills to interpret any story.Vezava: Mehka51,45 €
Shooting the Darkness(2019)Based on the RTE documentary, 'Shooting the Darkness', this landmark book presents the stories of 7 photographers whose images captured the most important events of the Troubles. They talk about the photographs they took - how they got the shot; what it cVezava: Trda29,85 €
Testaments by Margaret Atwood(2020)The Testaments features explanations of key themes, motifs, and symbols including: power; collective guilt; embroidery; aphorisms; Agnes's dollhouse; and Baby Nicole.Vezava: Mehka8,33 €
Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan(2020)Features explanations of key themes, motifs and symbols and detailed analysis of important characters.Vezava: Mehka8,33 €
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood(2020)Features explanations of key themes, motifs and symbols and detailed analysis of important characters.Vezava: Mehka8,33 €