4512 rezultatov
Church History ABCs(2010)This book follows the alphabet as it introduces parents and children to twenty-six pillars of the Christian faith. Whimsical, full-color illustrations and engaging prose teach church history in a fun and creative way.Vezava: Trda18,05 €
Narrative Apologetics – Sharing the Relevance, Joy, and Wonder of the Christian Faith(2019) MCGRATH, ALISTER E.One of the world's leading Christian apologists delivers a groundbreaking book that shows how the Christian story can be told and retold to connect effectively with unbelievers in today's post-Christian culture.Vezava: Mehka19,44 €
Triumph of Christianity: How the Jesus Movement Became the World's Largest Religion(2012) STARK, RODNEYVezava: Mehka23,88 €
Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse – Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church(2005) JOHNSON, DAVID,VANVONDEREN, JEFFIn a breakthrough book first published in 1991, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse gives a message of hope for those who are spiritually abused, pointing the way toward freedom.Vezava: Mehka19,44 €
Puzzle of Christianity(2016) VARDY, PETERAn excellent overview of Christianity, suitable for students (and teachers!) embarking on the new GCSE and ‘A’-Level Religious Studies specifications.Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
Christian Reflections(2017) LEWIS, C. S.A collection of Lewis’s essays against ‘the new morality’ – a fine collection representing Lewis at his most brilliant.Vezava: Mehka13,88 €
Saints, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of(2023) PAUL, TESSAAn authoritative guide to the lives and works of over 300 saints, with expert commentary and over 500 beautiful paintings, statues and icons.Vezava: Trda20,84 €
Sin, Grace and Free Will 1 PB(2017) KNELL, MATTHEWThe first of three volumes exploring the development of the concepts of sin, grace and free will in Christian theology, beginning with the Church Fathers.Vezava: Mehka51,29 €
Rooted in Love(2020) MULLALLY, SARAHThe first Lent book from the Bishop of London, exploring the ways in which we can live the Christian life to the full today.Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
Broken Signposts(2020) WRIGHT, TOMIn this deeply insightful extended meditation on the Gospel of John, Tom Wright shows how Christianity points us to a compelling explanation for the world, and for our role and responsibility within it.Vezava: Trda25,00 €
Anglican Evangelists: Identifying and Training a New Generation(2019) SNOW, RT REVD MARTYNAn important new title from the Archbishops' College of Evangelists, encouraging both evangelists and those who support and train them to hear God's call afresh.Vezava: Mehka23,61 €
Godbothering(2020) BROOK, RHIDIAN (READER)Bestselling novelist and broadcaster, Rhidian Brook, presents a spiritual commentary on our lives and times, drawn from his popular broadcasts on Radio 4's Thought for the DayVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Velvet Elvis(2012) BELL, ROBPerhaps more relevant than ever before, Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis is his original and bestselling classic. In Velvet Elvis, Bell invites readers to wrestle with their faith, and offers a radical new perspective on Jesus, the church, and Christianity today.Vezava: Mehka15,27 €