2561 rezultatov
Queer Muslim Diasporas in Contemporary Literature and Film(2019) CARBAJAL, ALBERTO FERNANDEZThis book interrogates the depiction of same-sex desire in contemporary literature and film by artists of Muslim heritage. . -- .Vezava: Trda75,30 €
Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War Book VII(2022)Up-to-date edition of the latter of the two dramatic books of Thucydides' Peloponnesian War to deal with the Sicilian Expedition that ended so catastrophically for Athens (415-413 BCE). Aimed principally at undergraduates and graduate student studying AncVezava: Mehka44,09 €
Virgin Mary's Book at the Annunciation(2022) MILES, PROFESSOR LAURA SAETVEITWinner of the 2021 Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer Prize of the American Society of Church HistoryWinner of the 2022 SMFS Best First Book in Medieval Feminist Studies AwardAn overlooked aspect of the iconography of the Annunciation investigated - Mary'sVezava: Mehka56,60 €
Under Cover: A Poet's Life in Publishing(2018) ROBSON, JEREMYFull of enticing anecdotes culled from a fifty-year career, this is an engrossing book that provides an insider's view of the changing world of publishing. Jeremy Robson has published an extraordinary range of household names; writers, poets, actors, sinVezava: Trda25,84 €
Macbeth(2009) RASMUSSEN, PROF. ERIC (USA),BATE, JONATHAN (UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, OXFORD)From the Royal Shakespeare Company – a modern, definitive edition of Shakespeare’s great drama of ambition, desire and guilt.Vezava: Mehka14,46 €
On Exile(2013) FILELFO, FRANCESCOFrancesco Filelfo’s On Exile depicts noblemen and humanists, driven from Florence by Cosimo de’ Medici, discussing the sufferings of exile—poverty and loss of reputation—and the best way to endure and profit from them. This volume contains the first complVezava: Trda46,09 €
Rome in Triumph, Volume 1(2016) FLAVIO, BIONDOBiondo Flavio was a pioneering figure in the Renaissance discovery of antiquity and popularized the term Middle Age to describe the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the revival of antiquity in his own time. Rome in Triumph is the capstone oVezava: Trda46,09 €
Ahab's Rolling Sea(2021) KING, RICHARD JExploring everything from giant squid to sea birds, sharks to sperm whales, this epic voyage with scholar and seafarer Richard J. King provides a new way of approaching Melville's classic sea-yarn: as a book about nature itself.Vezava: Mehka36,75 €
Devil and the Victorians(2022) BARTELS, SARAHThis book demonstrates the significance of the Devil in a Victorian English context, using the diabolic to explore the Victorians' complex and ambivalent relationship with the supernatural. It will appeal to readers interested in the supernatural and nineVezava: Mehka73,49 €
East of the Wardrobe(2022) BALL, WARWICK (ARCHAEOLOGIST, ARCHAEOLOGIST)In East of the Wardrobe, Warwick Ball explores hitherto unrecognised and unexpected Eastern aspects in and influences on C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia.Vezava: Trda45,92 €
Climate Change Temporalities(2022)This book explores how the relationship between the past, present and future is articulated in different climate change discourses. The contributors address climate change temporality by exploring the multiple temporalities present in texts on climate chaVezava: Mehka73,49 €