92 rezultatov
Observation and Experiment - An Introduction to Causal Inference(2019) PAUL ROSENBAUMVezava: Mehka36,86 €
Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Healthcare Research(2016) SUMANTRA RAY , SUE FITZPATRICKVezava: Mehka66,14 €
Quantum Biology(2024) GUY, DR GEOFFREYHow might quantum phenomena change the future of medicine?Vezava: Trda34,74 €
Research Methods for Health Care Practice(2009) GRIFFITHS, FRANCESA step-by-step guide to planning and carrying out research to improve professional practice.Vezava: Mehka75,36 €
Introduction to Theory and Reasoning in Nursing(2014) JOHNSON, BETTY,WEBBER, PAMELA, PHD, FNPVezava: Mehka124,03 €
Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data(2012) RIZOPOULOS, DIMITRIS (ERASMUS UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS)Vezava: Trda137,01 €
Simians, Cyborgs and Women(1991) HARAWAY, DONNADonna Haraway analyses accounts, narratives, and stories of the creation of nature, living organisms, and cyborgs (cybernetic components); showing how deeply cultural assumptions penetrate into allegedly value-neutral medical research.Vezava: Mehka39,17 €
Research Methods in Biomechanics(2013) ROBERTSON, D. GORDON E.,CALDWELL, GRAHAM E.,HAMILL, JOSEPH,KAMEN, GARY,WHITTLESEY, SAUNDERSIn the highly technical field of biomechanics, research methods are frequently upgraded as the speed and sophistication of software and hardware technologies increase. This second edition features more than 100 new pieces of art and illustrations and chapVezava: Trda137,32 €
Paramedic's Guide to Research: An Introduction(2011) GRIFFITHS, PAULINE,MOONEY, GAILSuitable for student and qualified paramedics looking to understand the key elements of research, and what it means for their profession, this guide to the sometimes daunting world of research and evidence-based practice helps you get to grips with the naVezava: Mehka47,76 €
Practical Statistics for Medical Research(1990) ALTMAN, DOUGLAS G.Primarily aimed at medical researchers, this book aims to provide an understanding of the basic principles that underlie research design, data analysis and the interpretation of results, and to enable the reader to carry out a wide range of statistical anVezava: Trda181,13 €
Genomics in the Cloud(2020) AUWERA, GERALDINE VAN DER,O'CONNOR, BRIAN D.Data in the genomics field is booming. With this practical book, researchers will learn how to work with genomics algorithms using open source tools including the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), Docker, WDL, and Terra.Vezava: Mehka92,35 €
Clinician's Guide to Illicit Drugs and Health(2019) DARKE, PROF. SHANE,LAPPIN, DR. JULIA,FARRELL, PROF. MICHAELVezava: Mehka37,31 €