69 rezultatov
Strange Glow(2017) JORGENSEN, TIMOTHY J.More than ever before, radiation is a part of our modern daily lives. We own radiation-emitting phones, regularly get diagnostic x-rays, such as mammograms, and submit to full-body security scans at airports. We worry and debate about the proliferation ofVezava: Mehka28,10 €
Insulin - The Crooked Timber(2022) HALL, KERSTEN T. (SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND HISTORY OF SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS)One hundred years after a milestone medical discovery, 'Insulin - The Crooked Timber' tells the story of how insulin was transformed from what one clinician called 'thick brown muck' into the very first drug to be produced using genetic engineering, one wVezava: Trda57,86 €
Cell Signalling(2021) HANCOCK, JOHN T. (PROFESSOR OF CELL SIGNALLING, PROFESSOR OF CELL SIGNALLING, UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND, BRISTOL)Written primarily for students embarking on an undergraduate bioscience degree, this primer provides a clear introduction to the main aspects of cell signalling in biological systems, demystifying the subject for those new to the field.Vezava: Mehka45,92 €
RNA, the Epicenter of Genetic Information(2022) MATTICK, JOHN,AMARAL, PAULOThe origin story and emergence of molecular biology is muddled. The early triumphs in bacterial genetics and the complexity of animal and plant genomes complicate an intricate history. This book documents the many advances, as well as the prejudices and fVezava: Mehka72,93 €
Animal Anomalies(2021) HELD, JR, LEWIS I. (TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY)This book explains animal anomalies of all kinds. It focuses on development and its physical mechanisms, as well as evolution and its historical perspective. It is intended as a supplement for courses in developmental biology at the undergraduate or graduVezava: Mehka67,97 €
Understanding Evo-Devo(2021) ARTHUR, WALLACE (NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, GALWAY)A brief and accessible account of evolutionary developmental biology, 'evo-devo', for anyone intrigued by this exciting interdisciplinary field, including biological science students and general readers. It covers all key themes, including: developmentalVezava: Mehka16,66 €
One Plus One Equals One(2016) ARCHIBALD, JOHN (PROFESSOR, DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY; AND FELLOW OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED RESEARCH, INTEGRATED MICROBIAL BIODIVERSITY PROGRAM)John Archibald chronicles the revolutionary insights provided by modern molecular biology, especially rapid DNA sequencing. These tools demonstrate the unity of all life, and show that complex life originated in ancient mergers between microbes.Vezava: Mehka16,66 €
Processes in Human Evolution(2017) AYALA, FRANCISCO J. (UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR AND DONALD BREN PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR AND DONALD BREN PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE),CELA-CONDE, CAMILO J. (DIRECTOR OF THE LABORATORY OF HUMAN SYSTEMATICS AND PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY, DIRECTOR OF THE LABORATORY OF HUMAN SYSTEMATICS AND PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF BALEARIC ISLANDS)A comprehensive overview of the latest research in hominid evolution, synthesising data and approaches from fields as diverse as physical anthropology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, genetics, archaeology, psychology and philosophy.Vezava: Mehka110,25 €
Introduction to Molecular Ecology(2017) ROWE, GRAHAM (LECTURER IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, LECTURER IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF DERBY),SWEET, MICHAEL (LECTURER IN INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY, LECTURER IN INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF DERBY),BEEBEE, TREVOR (EMERITUS PROFESSOR (EVOLUTION, BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT), EMERITUS PROFESSOR (EVOLUTION, BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT), UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX)An Introduction to Molecular Ecology combines theoretical concepts with practice-driven examples to showcase the latest molecular and genomic techniques and their impact on the study of ecology.Vezava: Mehka98,36 €
Methods in Molecular Biophysics(2017) ZACCAI, NATHAN R. (UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE),SERDYUK, IGOR N.,ZACCAI, JOSEPHReflecting the significant developments of the past decade, this textbook explains key physical methods in modern biology. Each method is illustrated through real-world examples, alongside background information designed for both physicists and biologistsVezava: Trda93,27 €
Cellular Signal Processing: An Introduction to the Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction(2017) FRIEDRICH MARKSVezava: Mehka122,11 €
Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery(2020)Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery aims to introduce the reader to AI and machine learning tools and techniques, and to outline specific challenges including designing new molecular structures, synthesis planning and simulation.Vezava: Trda281,93 €
Wilson and Walker's Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(2018) ANDREAS HOFMANNVezava: Mehka74,62 €