152 rezultatov
Theory and Practice of Kuomintang's Overseas Policy (1924-1991)(2015) CHIEN CHEN YANG,楊建成Vezava: Mehka28,48 €
Political parties in Africa(2015)Trust in how the political system functions and in political parties as cogs in this machine of government is critical. But, across the African continent, there are low levels of confidence and trust in political parties, notwithstanding the monumental chVezava: Mehka21,66 €
Unfinished Revolution(2011) GOULD, PHILIP'A brilliant analysis of aspects of our time in government that complements the earlier edition's description of the way we won power in 1997' Tony Blair, from the ForewordVezava: Mehka23,61 €
Enemy within: Rise and Fall of the British Communist Party(1998) BECKETT, FRANCISVezava: Mehka20,66 €
Prime Minister(2011) TROLLOPE, ANTHONYPlantagenet Palliser's fragile coalition government and troubled marriage is set against the social climbing of the unscrupulous financial speculator Ferdinand Lopez, whose relationship with Emily Wharton generates misery and scandal. Part of the PalliserVezava: Mehka16,66 €
Karl Marx: Selected Writings(2000) MARX, KARLProviding a selection of Marx's writings, this book includes extracts from the whole range of Marx's most important pieces. It also includes a bibliography and editorial commentary on each document and provides the background and context of Marx's writingVezava: Mehka181,11 €