79 rezultatov
Moffat's Trusts Law(2020) GARTON, JONATHAN (UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK),PROBERT, REBECCA (UNIVERSITY OF EXETER),BEAN, GERRYMoffat's Trusts Law combines authoritative commentary with a unique contextual analysis. Leading cases, statutes, and historical and research materials are placed alongside the narrative of the text to give emphasis both to general theories of trust conceVezava: Mehka79,71 €
Trusts Law(2017) WEBB, CHARLIE (DEPARTMENT OF LAW, THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE),AKKOUH, TIM (NEW SQUARE CHAMBERS, LINCOLN'S INN, LONDON)This textbook is a comprehensive and accessible guide to Trusts Law and has been thoroughly updated to reflect recent developments in the area. Many law students struggle with the concept of Trusts Law and it can take time to properly understand the comVezava: Mehka62,32 €
Parking Regulation and Management(2020)Containing some of the most recent and cutting-edge original studies on parking regulation and management from different disciplines, this book offers rigorous analysis from top researchers of this field of research with a clear intention to deliver policVezava: Trda119,60 €
Democracies and Republics Between Past and Future(2021) PELLOSO, CARLODemocracies and Republics Between Past and Future focuses on the concepts of direct rule by the people in early and classical Athens, and the tribunician negative power in early republican Rome – and through this lens explores current political issues inVezava: Trda47,70 €
Islamic Law(2021) BADERIN, MASHOOD A. (PROFESSOR OF LAW, SCHOOL OF LAW, SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON)Islamic law is one of the major legal systems in the world today, yet it is often misunderstood, particularly in the West. This book provides a critical overview of the theory, scope, and practice of Islamic law, taking into account both classical and modVezava: Mehka13,88 €
Oxford Edition of Blackstone's: Commentaries on the Laws of England(2016) BLACKSTONE, WILLIAMThe only variorum edition of Blackstone's seminal treatise on the common law, tracing the evolution of Blackstone's thought from the first to the ninth edition. The third volume focuses on civil remedies, and courts and procedure, including equity.Vezava: Mehka49,60 €
Oxford Edition of Blackstone's: Commentaries on the Laws of England(2016) BLACKSTONE, WILLIAMThe only variorum edition of Blackstone's seminal treatise on the common law, tracing the evolution of Blackstone's thought from the first to the ninth edition. The first volume addresses central topics of constitutional and public law, known as 'the righVezava: Mehka43,16 €
Oxford Edition of Blackstone's: Commentaries on the Laws of England(2016) BLACKSTONE, WILLIAMThe only variorum edition of Blackstone's seminal treatise on the common law. With introductions and notes by the editors placing the Commentaries in their historical, political, and legal context, the Oxford Edition traces the evolution of Blackstone's t133,88 €
Oxford Edition of Blackstone's: Commentaries on the Laws of England(2016) BLACKSTONE, WILLIAMThe only variorum edition of Blackstone's seminal treatise on the common law, tracing the evolution of Blackstone's thought from the first to the ninth edition. The second volume addresses central topics of land and property law, known as 'the rights of tVezava: Mehka49,60 €
Borkowski's Textbook on Roman Law(2020) DU PLESSIS, PAUL J. (PROFESSOR OF ROMAN LAW, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, SCHOOL OF LAW)Borkowski's Textbook on Roman Law provides a thorough and engaging overview of Roman private law and civil procedure. It is the ideal course companion for undergraduate Roman law courses, combining clear, comprehensible language and a wide range of supporVezava: Mehka89,88 €
First Steps in the Law(2015) RIVLIN, GEOFFREY (FORMER SENIOR RESIDENT JUDGE, FORMER SENIOR RESIDENT JUDGE, SOUTHWARK CROWN COURT)Fascinating and insightful in its coverage, this is essential reading for anyone who has ever been curious about the law. First Steps in the Law looks at how laws are made, how cases are tried, and the characters involved; ideal for anyone needing an unVezava: Mehka34,73 €
Fragile Dreams(2021) GOULD, JOHN ABLEYA highly readable account of Central Europe’s experience after communismVezava: Mehka49,52 €
Capital Choices(2022) BRAUNSTEIN, JUERGENDemystifies the process of sovereign wealth fund creation and examines the policy and economic issues surrounding them, updated for a post-Covid worldVezava: Mehka48,71 €
Pravne panoge in metodologija razlage prava(2022) MATEJ ACCETTO , ALEŠ NOVAK , MARIJAN PAVČNIKVezava: Trda68,00 €