Zbirka: Psihoanalitična teorija (Freudova psihologija)

522 rezultatov

  • Ogled izdelka
    Absent Father Effect on Daughters(2020) SUSAN SCHWARTZ
    Vezava: Mehka
    67,97 €
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    The Restoration of the Self()
    49,61 €
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    Diary of a Fallen Psychoanalyst()
    71,56 €
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    Origins of Attachment(2013) BEATRICE BEEBE
    Vezava: Mehka
    81,42 €
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    Under the Skin(2010) ALESSANDRA LEMMA
    Vezava: Mehka
    73,49 €
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    Woman`S Unconscious Use of Her Body(2010) DINORA PINES
    Vezava: Mehka
    58,80 €
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    Analysis of the Self() HEINZ KOHUT
    49,61 €
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    Bion Today(2010)
    Bion Today explores how Bion’s work is used in contemporary psychoanalytic practice with individuals, groups and organisations.
    Vezava: Mehka
    71,22 €
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    Clinical Seminars and Other Works(1994) BION, WILFRED R.
    This selection of clinical seminars held by Wilfred Bion is the nearest we shall ever get to experiencing his application of his theories and views to consulting-room practice. These seminars may help to fill the gap that his voice can only be heard throu
    Vezava: Mehka
    93,27 €
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    Literature and Therapy(2009) BURNS, LIZ
    Draws us into the creative and imaginative spaces which lie between readers and their choice of novels, plays and poems. This work offers a systemic view, highlighting relationships, that calls to the reader to explore both therapy and literature with fre
    Vezava: Mehka
    62,46 €
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    Women and Images of Men in Cinema(2015)
    Women and men in cinema are imaginary constructs created by filmmakers and their audiences. The film-psychoanalytic approach reveals how movies subliminally influence unconscious reception.
    Vezava: Mehka
    53,27 €
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    Origins of Love and Hate(1988) SUTTIE, IAN D.
    The author presents a passionate argument for a therapeutic practice based on the physician's love for the deeply deprived patient. Ian Suttie, a psychiatrist of the Tavistock clinic in the 1930s, advocates a more optimistic view of human nature than trad
    Vezava: Mehka
    54,53 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Defining Psychoanalysis(2016) MILLER, IAN
    Defining Psychoanalysis: Achieving a Vernacular Expression provides a close reading of this contemporary assemblage, including three "strong" readings by Winnicott and two by Bion. It pursues the elements generated by these papers as an indication of cont
    Vezava: Mehka
    40,41 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Undead Mother(2002) WIELAND, CHRISTINA
    This is a book about matricide, about matricide and separation from the mother, about matricide and gender, matricide and destructiveness. It offers the reader a far-reaching and devastating critique of masculinity, femininity, and contemporary culture.
    Vezava: Mehka
    62,46 €

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