1834 rezultatov
Happy Days Cross Stitch(2023) MARUOKA, KYOKOThis book features 25 fabulous cross-stitch designs made by Japanese designer Kyoko Maruoka. Designs including animals, flowers, foods, weather, space, people, scenery, dolls and houses in delicate colours.Vezava: Mehka vezava17,22 €
Maggie Magoo's Amazing Alphabet(2023) MAGOO DESIGNS, MAGGIEEmbellished alphabet, number and symbol templates, for crafters and artists of all kinds, from the hugely popular Maggie Magoo design house.Vezava: Mehka vezava15,02 €
An Anthology of Decorated Papers-A Sourcebook for Designers(2018) P.J.M. MARKSVezava: Mehka34,67 €
Drawing Fantastic Furries(2011) CHRISTOPHER HARTPRI AMAZON.CO.UK DOSTI CENEJŠAVezava: Mehka25,00 €
Making Color Sing, 25Th Anniversary Edition(2011) JEANNE DOBIEPRI AMAZON.CO.UK DOSTI CENEJŠAVezava: Trda26,39 €
Draw Great Characters - 75 Art Exercises for Comics and Animation(2019) BEVERLY JOHNSONVezava: Mehka20,83 €