26 rezultatov
Introducing Pragmatics(2023) CUMMINGS, LOUISE (THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY)This innovative, comprehensive course textbook uses a clinical approach to explore pragmatics and pragmatic language skills.Vezava: Mehka71,65 €
Introduction to Pragmatics(2012) BIRNER, BETTY J. (NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, USA)Introduction to Pragmatics guides students through traditional and new approaches in the field, focusing particularly on phenomena at the elusive semantics/pragmatics boundary to explore the role of context in linguistic communication.Vezava: Mehka63,58 €
Understanding Semantics(2013) LOEBNER, SEBASTIAN (HEINRICH HEINE UNIVERSITY OF DUESSELDORF, GERMANY)Understanding Semantics, Second Edition is a modern and comprehensive introduction to the linguistic discipline of semantics, covering the most important topics and theoretical approaches.Vezava: Mehka74,62 €
Meaning(2011) ELBOURNE, PAUL (DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS, QUEEN MARY, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON)Paul Elbourne explores the complex nature of meaning in crystal clear language. He draws on approaches developed in linguistics, philosophy, and psychology - assuming a knowledge of none of them - in a manner that will appeal to everyone interested in thiVezava: Mehka32,13 €
Bad Language(2019) CAPPELEN, HERMAN (PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY, PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO/UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS),DEVER, JOSH (PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY, PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN)Bad Language is the first textbook on an emerging area in the study of language: non-idealized language use, the linguistic behaviour of people who exploit language for malign purposes. This lively, accessible introduction offers theoretical frameworks foVezava: Mehka44,09 €
Semantic Modeling for Data(2020) ALEXOPOULOS, PANOSIn this practical and comprehensive field guide, author Panos Alexopoulos takes you on an eye-opening journey through semantic data modeling as applied in the real world. You’ll learn how to master this craft to increase the usability and value of your daVezava: Mehka92,35 €
Introduction to English Lexicology(2021) BAUER, LAURIEA linguistic introduction to the structures and meanings of English wordsVezava: Mehka29,85 €
Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies(2019)This handbook provides a cutting-edge survey of current scholarship in this area. Featuring original contributions from an international range of renowned scholars as well as academics at the forefront of innovative research, this is an essential text forVezava: Trda346,50 €
Fresh Perspectives on Major Issues in Pragmatics(2022)This book showcases new and innovative developments and approaches in pragmatics, spotlighting perspectives from an international range of emerging scholars undertaking cutting-edge research pushing the field into new directions.Vezava: Mehka71,24 €
Pragmatics(2020) CUTTING, JOAN (UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, UK),FORDYCE, KENNETHRoutledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-stop resources for students.Vezava: Mehka66,14 €
Developing Cross-Cultural Relational Ability in Foreign Language Learning(2021) MUGFORD, GERRARD (UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA, MEXICO.)This volume moves beyond a focus on grammatical accuracy and fluency to foreground the ways in which foreign language learners can be encouraged to build on previous achievements and communicative successes in the target language and so develop confidenceVezava: Trda119,60 €
Introducing Pragmatics in Use(2019) O'KEEFFE, ANNE,CLANCY, BRIAN,ADOLPHS, SVENJAIntroducing Pragmatics in Use is a lively and accessible introduction to pragmatics, which both covers theory and applies it to real spoken and written data. This is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate students of pragmatics, discVezava: Mehka55,11 €
Japanese Politeness(2022) OBANA, YASUKO (KWANSEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN)Although Japanese language is one of the most quoted examples in politeness research, extant publications focus on particular areas of politeness, and very few of them enquire into varied aspects of Japanese politeness. In this book, Yasuko Obana providesVezava: Mehka81,40 €
Pragmatics Online(2022) SCOTT, KATEThis book examines the use and interpretation of language and communication in digitally mediated contexts. It is an essential guide to the pragmatics of online discourse and behaviour for everyone working in the areas of digital pragmatics, language andVezava: Mehka69,81 €
Pragmatics(2021) BIRNER, BETTY J. (PROFESSOR OF LINGUISTICS AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE, PROFESSOR OF LINGUISTICS AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE, NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY)This book offers a concise but comprehensive entry-level guide to the study of meaning in context. Betty Birner explores how we understand the difference between the literal meaning of what is said and what was intended by the speaker, using a wide rangeVezava: Mehka33,06 €
Pragmatics: The Basics(2021) CLARK, BILLY (MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY, UK)Pragmatics: The Basics is an accessible and engaging introduction to the study of the meaning of language in context. This book includes nine chapters on the history of pragmatics, current theories, the application of pragmatics, and possible future develVezava: Mehka34,44 €
Coordination and the Syntax – Discourse Interface(2022) ALTSHULER, DANIEL (ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF SEMANTICS, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF SEMANTICS, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD),TRUSWELL, ROBERT (SENIOR LECTURER IN LINGUISTICS AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE, SENIOR LECTURER IN LINGUISTICS AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE, THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH)This survey explores interactions between syntax and discourse, through a case study of patterns of extraction from coordinate structures. It offers a starting point for further research on extraction from coordinate structures and provides a guide to howVezava: Mehka69,53 €
Majority Quantification and Quantity Superlatives(2021) DOBROVIE-SORIN, CARMEN (EMERITUS CNRS RESEARCHER, EMERITUS CNRS RESEARCHER, LABORATOIRE DE LINGUISTIQUE FORMELLE, UNIVERSITE DE PARIS),GIURGEA, ION (SENIOR RESEARCHER, SENIOR RESEARCHER, 'IORGU IORDAN - AL. ROSETTI' INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS, BUCHAREST)This book investigates the syntax and semantics of proportional most and other majority quantifiers across a wide range of languages. The findings have implications for the study of a variety of crucial issues in linguistic theory, including number markinVezava: Mehka69,81 €