4962 rezultatov
Radicalism of Ethnomethodology(2020) HAMMERSLEY, MARTYNThis book offers a well-informed and timely appraisal of the rationale for ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. It examines some of the influences that have shaped work of this kind, and its relationship to mainstream social science. -- .Vezava: Mehka43,07 €
Inside the English Education Lab(2022)Inside the English education lab collection has a dual focus. It offers a critical examination of the academies programme, and it interrogates methodological practice in education research. Overall, it argues that academies reproduce rather than reform inVezava: Trda125,51 €
Deporting Black Britons(2020) NORONHA, LUKE DEDeporting 'Black Britons' exposes the relationship between racism, borders and citizenship by telling the painful stories of four men who have been exiled to Jamaica. It examines processes of criminalisation, illegalisation and racialisation as they inteVezava: Trda34,44 €
Black Resistance to British Policing(2021) ELLIOTT-COOPER, ADAMUsing a decade of activist research, this book offers a radical analysis of grassroots black resistance to policing in twenty-first-century Britain. -- .Vezava: Mehka25,83 €
The Fringes of Citizenship - Romani Minorities in Europe and Civic Marginalisation(2021) SARDELIC, JULIJAThis book offers a socio-legal enquiry into the position of Roma as citizens in Europe. Rather than questioning the exceptionalities of Roma as a minority, it seeks to understand how citizenship in liberal democracies is constructed to marginalize certainVezava: Trda75,30 €
French London - A Blended Ethnography of a Migrant City(2021) HUC-HEPHER, SASKIAThis book offers a refreshing interdisciplinary perspective on an under-researched migrant minority: the French in London. Through a blended ethnographic lens, it provides insights into the complex lived experience of cross-Channel mobility and settlementVezava: Trda75,30 €
Bound Together(2020) CAMPBELL, ANDYThis book examines US gay and lesbian leather archives alongside contemporary artistic practices that reframe and renegotiate historical source material, creating a queer politics of the present. -- .Vezava: Mehka43,07 €
Unintentional Accomplice – A Personal Perspective on White Responsibility(2020) BAKER, CAROLYN L.Vezava: Mehka27,56 €
The Sociology of W. E. B. Du Bois - Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line(2020) ITZIGSOHN, JOSE,BROWN, KARIDA L.Vezava: Mehka41,79 €
White Kids - Growing Up with Privilege in a Racially Divided America(2018) HAGERMAN, MARGARET A.Vezava: Trda35,27 €
Social Movements, Stakeholders and Non-Market Strategy(2018)This edited collection brings together research that bridges the domains of stakeholder theory, non-market strategy and social movement theory.Vezava: Trda42,82 €
Gender, Athletes' Rights, and the Court of Arbitration for Sport(2018) LENSKYJ, HELEN JEFFERSON (UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, CANADA)This book presents an interdisciplinary approach to examining gender-related sports dispute resolution by the Court of Arbitration. Identifying complexities around gender, gender binaries, and the ways in which intersecting identities complicate resolutioVezava: Mehka83,10 €
Descending with Angels - Islamic Exorcism and Psychiatry: a Film Monograph(2019) SUHR, CHRISTIANThis book and award-winning film provide a unique account of the invisible dynamics of possession and psychosis, and how Muslim patients are transformed through the treatments offered by mosques and the psychiatric institutions of European nation-states.Vezava: Trda41,84 €
Into the Woods - An Epistemography of Climate Change(2019) RAMIREZ-I-OLLE, MERITXELLThis book is a detailed exploration of the working practices of a community of scientists exposed in public, and of the making of scientific knowledge about climate change in Scotland. -- .Vezava: Trda125,51 €
Personalised Cancer Medicine - Future Crafting in the Genomic Era(2021) KERR, ANNE,CHEKAR, CHOON KEY,ROSS, EMILY,SWALLOW, JULIA,CUNNINGHAM-BURLEY, SARAHBringing the experiences of patients, carers and practitioners to the fore, this book explores how individual and collective futures are crafted through their work and care. The authors chart the different kinds of care and work involved in efforts to perVezava: Trda51,68 €
Subjects of Modernity - Time-Space, Disciplines, Margins(2019) DUBE, SAURABHSubjects of Modernity brings together the past and the present as well as theory and narrative, sowing the historical, the ethnographic, and the methodological deep into its critical procedures. -- .Vezava: Mehka25,84 €
Border Porosities(2021) DIMOVA, ROZITABy drawing on geology’s approaches to studying porosity, the book takes an innovative approach arguing that similarly to rocks and minerals that only appear solid and impermeable, seemingly impenetrable borders are inevitably traversed by different formsVezava: Trda75,30 €