Zbirka: Sociologija in antropologija

4962 rezultatov

  • Ogled izdelka
    See How We Roll(2021) HINKSON, MELINDA
    Melinda Hinkson follows the experiences of Nungarrayi, a Warlpiri woman from the central Australian desert, as she struggles to establish a new life for herself in the city of Adelaide.
    Vezava: Mehka
    43,33 €
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    At the Limits of Cure(2021) VENKAT, BHARAT JAYRAM
    Drawing on historical and ethnographic research on tuberculosis in India, Bharat Jayram Venkat explores what it means to be cured and what it means for a cure to be partial, temporary, or selectively effective.
    Vezava: Mehka
    40,18 €
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    The contributors to Cocaine analyze the contemporary production, transit, and consumption of cocaine throughout Latin America and the illicit economy's entanglement with local communities.
    Vezava: Mehka
    48,16 €
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    Between Gaia and Ground - Four Axioms of Existence and the Ancestral Catastrophe of Late Liberalism(2021) POVINELLI, ELIZABETH A.
    Elizabeth A. Povinelli theorizes how the legacies of colonial violence and the ways the dispossession and extraction that destroyed Indigenous and colonized peoples' lives now poses an existential threat to the West.
    Vezava: Mehka
    41,73 €
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    There's a Disco Ball Between Us(2022) ALLEN, JAFARI SINCLAIRE
    Jafari S. Allen offers a sweeping and lively ethnographic and intellectual history of Black queer politics, culture, and history in the 1980s as they emerged out of radical Black lesbian activism and writing.
    Vezava: Mehka
    45,01 €
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    Mass Conspiracy to Feed People(2021) GILES, DAVID BOARDER
    David Boarder Giles traces the work of Food Not Bombs—a global movement of grassroots soup kitchens that recover wasted grocery surpluses and redistribute them to those in need—to examine the relationship between waste and scarcity in global cities under
    Vezava: Mehka
    41,79 €
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    Words and Worlds(2021)
    The contributors to Words and Worlds examine the state of politics and the political imaginary within contemporary societies by taking up the everyday words such as democracy, revolution, and populism that we use to understand the political present.
    Vezava: Mehka
    40,18 €
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    Palestine Is Throwing a Party and the Whole World Is Invited(2021) RABIE, KAREEM
    Kareem Rabie examines how Palestine's desire to fully integrate its economy into global markets through large-scale investment projects represented a shift away from political state building with the hope that a thriving economy would lead to a free and f
    Vezava: Mehka
    44,94 €
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    The Inheritance(2021) POVINELLI, ELIZABETH A.
    The Inheritance is anthropologist Elizabeth A. Povinelli's graphic memoir in which she explores her family's history and the events, traumas, and social structures that define our individual and collective pasts and futures.
    Vezava: Mehka
    40,18 €
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    Mao's Bestiary(2021) CHEE, LIZ P. Y.
    Liz P. Y. Chee complicates understandings of Chinese medicine as timeless and unchanging by historicizing the expansion of animal-based medicines in the social and political environment of early Communist China.
    Vezava: Mehka
    44,94 €
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    Cultural Anthropology(2019) BODLEY, JOHN H.
    John H. Bodley's Cultural Anthropology: Tribes, States, and the Global System, Seventh Edition, is intended for the introduction to cultural anthropology course taught at the freshman/sophomore level.
    Vezava: Mehka
    117,67 €
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    Inside Out and Outside In(2021)
    The fifth edition of Inside Out and Outside In is an up-to-date and essential resource for mental health professionals and students practicing in today’s increasingly complex environment.
    Vezava: Mehka
    116,08 €
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    Religion and the Global City(2018)
    Vezava: Mehka
    18,94 €
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    Introduction to Conversation Analysis(2021) LIDDICOAT, DR. ANTHONY J. (UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, UK)
    Vezava: Mehka
    62,46 €
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    Doing Research in Fashion and Dress(2020) KAWAMURA, YUNIYA (FASHION INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, USA)
    Vezava: Mehka
    40,18 €
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    Between Gaia and Ground - Four Axioms of Existence and the Ancestral Catastrophe of Late Liberalism(2021) POVINELLI, ELIZABETH A.
    Elizabeth A. Povinelli theorizes how the legacies of colonial violence and the ways the dispossession and extraction that destroyed Indigenous and colonized peoples' lives now poses an existential threat to the West.
    Vezava: Trda
    147,59 €
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    Charismatic Gymnasium(2021) DE ABREU, MARIA JOSE
    Maria José A. de Abreu examines the conservative Charismatic Catholic movement in contemporary urban Brazil to rethink the relationship between theology, the body, and neoliberal governance, showing how it works to produce subjects who are complicit with
    Vezava: Mehka
    43,33 €
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    Bombay Brokers(2021)
    Bombay Brokers collect thirty-six character profiles of men and women whose knowledge and labor—which is often seen as morally suspect—are essential for navigating everyday life in Bombay, one of the world's most complex, dynamic, and populous cities.
    Vezava: Mehka
    52,98 €
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    Chemical Heroes(2021) BICKFORD, ANDREW
    Andrew Bickford analyzes the US military's attempts to design performance enhancement technologies and create pharmacological "supersoldiers" capable of becoming ever more lethal while withstanding various forms of extreme trauma.
    Vezava: Mehka
    40,18 €
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    Embodying Black Religions in Africa and Its Diasporas(2021)
    The contributors to Embodying Black Religions in Africa and Its Diasporas investigate the complex intersections between the body, religious expression, and the construction and negotiation of social relationships and collective identities throughout the B
    Vezava: Mehka
    41,79 €

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