4948 rezultatov
Metaphors of Coronavirus(2021) CHARTERIS-BLACK, JONATHANThis book explores the metaphors used in public and media communication to ask how language shapes our moral reasoning about the global coronavirus crisis.Vezava: Mehka37,31 €
Climate, Capitalism and Communities - An Anthropology of Environmental Overheating(2019) ASTRID B. STENSRUDVezava: Mehka48,22 €
Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey(2021)This volume brings together empirical and conceptual papers that go beyond questions of idea generation to account for the dynamics of idea development, judgement, and dissemination – processes which are at the heart of organizing for innovation.Vezava: Trda141,74 €
Disability and Other Human Questions(2020) GOODLEY, DAN (UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, UK)Goodley draws on decades of research to argue that disability has much to offer when we contemplate what it means to be human in the 21st Century. He addresses questions such as 'who's allowed to be human?'; 'are human beings dependent?'; and 'what does iVezava: Mehka28,93 €
Designing Public Space for an Ageing Population(2021) MUSSELWHITE, CHARLES (ABERYSTWYTH UNIVERSITY, UK)Designing Public Space for an Ageing Population examines the barriers older people face by being a pedestrian in the built environment and how to overcome them. Drawing on research carried out across the globe these limitations are framed around Bourdieu'Vezava: Trda81,40 €
Home Care Fault Lines - Understanding Tensions and Creating Alliances(2020) CRANFORD, CYNTHIA J.Vezava: Mehka44,78 €
Pop City(2018) OH, YOUJEONGPop City examines the use of Korean television dramas and K-pop music to promote urban and rural places in South Korea.Vezava: Trda71,56 €
Difference and Orientation - An Alexander Kluge Reader(2019) KLUGE, ALEXANDERAlexander Kluge is one of contemporary Germany's leading intellectuals and artists. A key architect of the New German Cinema and a pioneer of auteur television programming, he has also cowritten three acclaimed volumes of critical theory, published countlVezava: Trda102,77 €
Dust and Dignity(2019) DE CASANOVA, ERYNN MASIWhat makes domestic work a bad job, even after efforts to formalize and improve working conditions? Erynn Masi de Casanova's case study, based partly on collaborative research conducted with Ecuador's pioneer domestic workers' organization, examines threeVezava: Trda102,77 €
Why Voice Matters(2010) COULDRY, NICKAn impassioned manifesto for how 'voice' might be used to counter neo-liberal ideologies in the future, from a star name in the field of media, communication and cultural studiesVezava: Mehka71,65 €
Whole Creature(2006) WHEELER, WENDYArguing that humans are, in a fundamental sense, social beings, this book articulates that this can be grasped from understanding the complex social processes of evolution. It shows that through looking at the complex emergence of human society and culturVezava: Mehka31,01 €
Spacious Minds(2020) LEWIS, SARA E.Spacious Minds argues that resilience is not a mere absence of suffering. Sara E. Lewis's research reveals how those who cope most gracefully may indeed experience deep pain and loss. Looking at the Tibetan diaspora, she challenges perspectives that likenVezava: Mehka37,88 €
Working the System(2017) SCHUBERT, JONWorking the System offers key insights into the politics of the everyday in twenty-first-century dominant party and neo-authoritarian regimes in Africa and elsewhere. Detailing the many ways ordinary Angolans fashion their relationships with the system—anVezava: Trda171,28 €
Giants of the Monsoon Forest - Living and Working with Elephants(2019) JACOB SHELLVezava: Trda33,75 €
Relational Anthropology for Contemporary Economics(2022)Addressing this neglected area of research in economic studies, altogether the contributors touch upon the importance and potential of virtues, the notions of freedom and self-love, the potential of simulation models, the dialectics of love, and questionsVezava: Mehka57,87 €
Feminist and LGBTI+ Activism across Russia, Scandinavia and Turkey(2021) CAGATAY, SELIN,LIINASON, MIA,SASUNKEVICH, OLGAWhat do struggles for women’s and LGBTI+ rights in Russia, Turkey and the Scandinavian countries have in common?Vezava: Trda68,68 €
Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography - Agency, Complexity and Uncertainty in Migration Studies(2021) BIJAK, JAKUBThis open access book presents a ground-breaking approach to developing micro-foundations for demography and migration studies. The book discusses in detail the process of building a simulation model of migration, based on a population of intelligent, cogVezava: Mehka57,87 €