Zbirka: Sociologija in antropologija

4937 rezultatov

  • Ogled izdelka
    Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome in Children(2011) DUNCAN, MARGARET,HEALY, ZARA,FIDLER, RUTH,CHRISTIE, PHIL
    Written by professionals and parents, this book answers the key questions about PDA and uses case examples throughout to show the impact of the condition on different areas of the child's life. The early intervention options and workable strategies for ma
    Vezava: Mehka
    28,83 €
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    Love and Loss(2008) COLIN MURRAY PARKES
    Vezava: Mehka
    66,14 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Teaching Community(2003) HOOKS, BELL
    Combining critical thinking about education with autobiographical narratives, bell hooks invites readers to extend the discourse of race, gender, class and nationality beyond the classroom into everyday situations of learning.
    Vezava: Mehka
    66,14 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Importance of Fathers(2001)
    Judith Trowell and Alicia Etchegoyen, along with an array of renowned contributors, consider the importance of fathers in various situations.
    Vezava: Mehka
    69,81 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Ethnographic Methods(2012) KAREN O`REILLY
    Vezava: Mehka
    74,62 €
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    Pathologies of Power(2004) FARMER, PAUL
    Vezava: Mehka
    39,05 €
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  • Ogled izdelka
    Social Work Practice in the Criminal Justice System(2012) PATTERSON, GEORGE T.
    Vezava: Mehka
    56,72 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Networking Futures: The Movements against Corporate Globalization(2008) JURIS, JEFFREY S.
    An innovative ethnography of transnational activist networking within the movements against corporate globalization.
    Vezava: Mehka
    27,90 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    English(2007) PAXMAN, JEREMY
    A title, in which, the author sets out to find about the English. Not the British overall, not the Scots, not the Irish or Welsh, but the English. Why do they seem so unsure of who they are?
    Vezava: Mehka
    18,05 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy: A Relational Approach(2011) ARIANA FARIS
    Vezava: Mehka
    70,75 €
  • Ogled izdelka
  • Ogled izdelka
    Communities of Practice(1999) WENGER, ETIENNE
    This book presents a new social theory of learning. As learning becomes a topic of great urgency for nations, businesses, and schools, Communities of Practice presents a broad conceptual framework for thinking about learning as a process of social partici
    Vezava: Mehka
    73,49 €
  • Ogled izdelka
  • Ogled izdelka
    Foundations of Factor Analysis(2010) STANLEY MULAIK
    Vezava: Trda
    140,18 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Lulu and the Noisy Baby(2016) REID, CAMILLA
    Vezava: Mehka
    11,11 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Geisha(2000) DALBY, LIZA
    Liza Dalby, author of The Tale of Murasaki, is the only non-Japanese woman ever to have become a geisha.
    Vezava: Mehka
    18,05 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    The World Since 1945: An International History(2016) BELL P. M. H.
    Vezava: Mehka
    58,55 €
  • Ogled izdelka
    Undoing Privilege: Unearned Advantage in a Divided World() BOB PEASE
    36,97 €

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