13 rezultatov
Counselling, Psychotherapy and the Law(2007) JENKINS, PETEROffers an introduction to the legal issues in relation to counselling and psychotherapy in the UK. This work provides coverage of the key developments in the law that have had major impact on therapists' practice with regard to data protection and the manVezava: Mehka75,36 €
Medicine, Patients and the Law: Sixth Edition(2016) BRAZIER, MARGARET,CAVE, EMMAThis fully revised and update edition provides an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. -- .Vezava: Mehka43,07 €
Reproductive Rights as Human Rights - Women of Color and the Fight for Reproductive Justice(2020) LUNA, ZAKIYAVezava: Mehka48,22 €
Language, Literacy, and Health(2021) MAGALHAES, IZABEL,DA SILVA, KENIA LARAThis book analyzes language, literacy, and health as social practices, and the relations among them, with a focus on Brazil´s national health system. With the help of an ethnographic lens, the book analyzes several discourses and uses of texts, includingVezava: Trda138,80 €
Under the Skin - racism, inequality, and the health of a nation(2022) VILLAROSA, LINDAVezava: Mehka23,61 €
Deadly Biocultures(2019) EHLERS, NADINE,KRUPAR, SHILOHAn examination ofthe life-making functions and forms of governance in contemporary U.S. biomedicalised society, from affirmations of life in respective biocultures of cancer, race-based health, fat ess, aging, and the afterlife.Vezava: Mehka39,61 €
Pathology of Sharp Force Trauma(2021) VANEZIS, PETER (QUEEN MARY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, UK)Pathology of Sharp Force Trauma covers all aspects of the pathology of sharp force trauma and its clinico-pathological interrelationship from the forensic (medico-legal perspective). It is intended to be a highly-illustrated reference manual and practicalVezava: Trda204,75 €
Revisiting Landmark Cases in Medical Law(2020) PATTINSON, SHAUN D. (DURHAM UNIVERSITY, UK)Drawing on legal developments in the UK, US, and other jurisdictions, this book revisits a selection of leading cases in medical law, and argues that while the judgments in each came to the correct conclusion, many issues were left unaddressed, and have lVezava: Mehka69,54 €
Text, Cases and Materials on Medical Law and Ethics(2018) STAUCH, MARC (UNIVERSITY OF HANNOVER, GERMANY),WHEAT, KAY (NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY, UK)Text, Cases and Materials on Medical Law and Ethics presents a valuable collection of materials relating to often controversial areas of the law. Comprising extracts from statutes, cases and scholarly articles alongside expert author commentary and guidanVezava: Mehka91,58 €