491 rezultatov
Sport Public Relations(2020) STOLDT, G. CLAYTON,DITTMORE, STEPHEN W.,ROSS, MIKE,BRANVOLD, SCOTT E.Sport Public Relations presents an engaging look at the full range of functions conducted by public relations practitioners in sport. Readers will learn the importance of consistent brand communication and how to manage organizational relationships to attVezava: Mehka131,41 €
Managing Sport Facilities(2020) FRIED, GIL,KASTEL, MATTHEWManaging Sport Facilities, Fourth Edition With Web Study Guide, draws theory and application into an engaging, practical guide for effectively managing a sport facility. Topics include building design and construction, operations, marketing, legal issues,Vezava: Mehka149,13 €
Managing Sport Events(2019) GREENWELL, T. CHRISTOPHER,DANZEY-BUSSELL, LEIGH ANN,SHONK, DAVIDManaging Sport Events, Second Edition, presents the principles and practices of effective event management. It takes readers through the entire process, from event planning through postevent evaluation.122,55 €