624 rezultatov
Penguin Book of First World War Stories(2007)An anthology of Great War short stories by British writers. These stories are able to illustrate the impact of the Great War on British society and culture and the modes in which short fiction contributed to the war's literature.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
Three Day Road(2006) BOYDEN, JOSEPHThe stories of an American Indian sniper caught up in the Great War and of his aunt, one of the last Cree Indians to live off the land, are intertwined in a mesmerising journey as they travel home over three daysVezava: Mehka13,88 €
Wars(2001) FINDLEY, TIMOTHYRobert Ross, a sensitive nineteen-year-old Canadian officer, went to war - the War to End All Wars. In this world gone mad, Robert Ross performed a last desperate act to declare his commitment to life in the midst of death.The Wars is quite simply one ofVezava: Mehka13,88 €
Not Only War(2010)Montgomery Jason, an idealistic African American college student, enlists to fight for freedom and democracy. When he falls in love with a French woman, he learns that freedom and democracy do not apply to black soldiers.Vezava: Mehka39,26 €