14541 rezultatov
Anxiety Toolkit(2015) BOYES, DR ALICEDrawing on extensive social psychology research, and the author's training and clinical experience in Cognitive-Behavioral therapy, this is a toolkit of actionable strategies that anyone can use to manage their symptoms of anxiety across a broad range ofVezava: Mehka20,83 €
Bark, Neigh, Meow(2021) MCKENZIE, LYNNFilled with amazing stories, step-by-step exercises, and thought-provoking discussions, Bark, Neigh, Meow shows how animal companions help you transform your life and fulfill your purpose. An inspiring book about finding deeper connections and spiritual iVezava: Mehka23,61 €
Fitness Professional's Handbook(2016)Fitness Professional’s Handbook, Seventh Edition With HKPropel Access, provides current and future fitness professionals with the knowledge to screen participants, conduct standardized fitness tests, evaluate the major components of fitness, and prescribeVezava: Trda125,51 €
Breaking Up With Sugar(2020) CARMEL, MOLLYBreaking Up With Sugar is a 66-day roadmap for going sugar-free, from an eating disorder specialist and therapist who broke free of her own sugar addiction.Vezava: Mehka15,27 €
Stay Inspired: Cultivating Curiosity and Growing Your Ideas (A Self-Guide)(2021) STOSUY, BRANDONVezava: Mehka18,05 €
Happiness Purpose(2016) DE BONO, EDWARDFirst published in 1977, in this extraordinarily prescient book Edward de Bono sets out his method for achieving the ultimate 21st century goal: work-life balance.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
What Extraordinary People Know(2019) MOORE, ANTHONYMost people will never be successful. The reason? Addiction to mediocrity.Vezava: Trda13,43 €