How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
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Podrobnosti o izdelku
Poglej vseISBN
9780722538074Mladinska knjiga ID
450295Leto izida
1999Velikost (šxdxv)
1000 × 1000 × 1000Status dobavljivosti
4-6 delovnih dniJezik
500 gZaložnik
A fun, witty and informative guide containing 92 little tricks for big success in personal relationships and business. There are two kinds of people in life. Those who walk into a room and say: 'Well, here I am!'. And those who walk in and say: 'Ahhh, there you are'. In this book, Leil Lowndes writes with wit, irreverence about relationships, body language and how we relate to each other. It contains extremely usable and intelligent strategies for love and business which include: Charming body language and gestures -- the exclusive smile, eyes glued to the other person, 'come hither' hands with palms open etc. Never leave home without the latest news How to give the killer compliment -- not too general and not too frequently given The premature 'we' -- effective empathising how to work the party -- including making an entrance, be the chooser not the choosee, and mingling not munching (for all those who head straight for the food table!).
Publisher and industry reviews
Jacket review
'Does what is says on the tin, with heaps of helpful tips for developing ease in social situations.' Time Out
UK Kirkus review
Subtitled '92 little tricks for big success in relationships', this is a useful handbook to maximize your chances of going places - in business, love or friendship. Lowndes is an entertaining writer who offers anecdotal examples which will have you nodding your head in agreement. More than that, the tricks she comes up with are highly effective. Some are simple - such as 'echoing' and 'parroting' - while others, like 'scramble therapy', take a little more time and dedication. Helpfully, the book contains a brief summary of each catchily named technique to make the learning process easier. (Kirkus UK)
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