18 rezultatov
Economic Welfare and Trade Relations Implications of the 2014 Farm Bill(2015)Currently there is no comprehensive, accessible account of the economic effects of the 2014 Farm Bill. This edited collection consists of 10 essays, each on the major areas of US farm programs that describes and assesses the economic welfare impacts of thVezava: Trda57,24 €
Introduction to Economics(2021) HILL, BERKELEY (FORMERLY IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, UK)A simple but effective introduction to economics. Fully updated and revised, this fifth edition covers the impacts of Brexit, animal welfare, sustainable agriculture, and the importance of natural, social and cultural capital on agricultural economics. ItVezava: Mehka69,46 €
Hinterland(2018) NEEL, PHIL A.Hinterland provides a close-up view of America’s hinterland, populated by towering grain-threshing machines and hunched farmworkers as well as telling the intimate story of a life lived within the hinterland.Vezava: Trda22,17 €
Vietnam-China Agricultural Trade(2021) BINH, LE HAI,THANH, HA, LAMChallenges facing Vietnam's export of fruits and vegetables to the Chinese market include technical barriers, long risk assessment periods, restrictions on products exported through official quotas to the Chinese market, and frequent changes in China's poVezava: Mehka16,52 €
Agricultural Reform in Rwanda(2019) HUGGINS, CHRISA critical, in-depth analysis of the Rwandan government’s controversial agricultural reforms.Vezava: Mehka44,09 €
Farming for the Long Haul - Resilience and the Lost Art of Agricultural Inventiveness(2019) FOLEY, MICHAELFarming for the Long Haul is about building a viable small farm economy that can withstand the economic, political, and climatic shock waves that the twenty-first century portends.Vezava: Mehka23,61 €
GM Food Systems and their Economic Impact(2018) BRANKOV, DR TATJANA (UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD, SERBIA),LOVRE, DR KOVILJKO (UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD)This book adopts a methodical approach to provide a novel exploration of the effects of GM crops on global economy, as well as examining the links between GM and food security at global and regional levels. The environmental implications of GM are also coVezava: Trda78,63 €
Coffee value chain analysis(2021) MWESIGYE, FRANCIS,FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION,NGUYEN, HANHMost young people in Uganda involved in the coffee value chain are casual labourers with low pay. To enhance their employment, this study suggests developing by-laws to enable access to land and supporting small businesses through revolving funds.Vezava: Mehka52,47 €
Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in Post-Soviet Countries 2017-2018(2020) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIONReviews the latest changes in trade policies in post-Soviet countries, and how they affect the dynamics and structure of trade. The publication includes an overview of the prospects for expanding the agricultural trade of some Central Asian countries withVezava: Mehka89,59 €
Agripreneuriat en Afrique(2020) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONSCette publication cherche à encourager les entrepreneurs en herbe en Afrique a? saisir les opportunites d'affaires dans le secteur agricole et l'agro-industrie. Elle se veut un outil de promotion, en particulier pour les femmes et les jeunes.Vezava: Mehka24,36 €
Ribbon Societies in Nineteenth-Century Ireland and Its Diaspora(2021) HUGHES, KYLE (SCHOOL OF ENGLISH AND HISTORY, ULSTER UNIVERSITY (UNITED KINGDOM)),MACRAILD, DONALDThe first full-length study of Irish Ribbonism, tracing the development of the movement from its origins in the Defender movement of the 1790s to the latter part of the century when the remnants of the Ribbon tradition found solace in a new movement: theVezava: Mehka64,33 €
Sowing the seeds of peace for food security(2020) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION,HOLLEMAN, CINDYLooks at the nature of the relationships between conflict, food security and peace. The book shows how food security and nutrition outcomes vary across different types of conflict, identifying the conditions that seem to influence those outcomes the most,Vezava: Mehka19,50 €
Amber Waves - The Extraordinary Biography of Wheat, from Wild Grass to World Megacrop(2020) ZABINSKI, CATHERINEVezava: Trda42,26 €
Agricultural Valuations(2021) MOODY, JEREMY,MILLARD, NICKAgricultural Valuations: A Practical Guide has long been the standard text for students and professionals working on agricultural valuations. In this fifth edition, Gwyn Williams' original text is taken on by Jeremy Moody and Nick Millard, renowned expertVezava: Mehka79,71 €