31 rezultatov
Satipatthanasutta with Pemasiri Thera's Commentary(2024)The book presents a comprehensive guide for understanding mindfulness by situating it within the larger Theravada doctrinal framework in a way accessible to contemporary readers. The book will appeal to general and scholarly readers interested in any aspeVezava: Mehka46,43 €
The Wisdom Of The Buddha: Heart Teachings in His Own Words(2017) ANNE BANCROFTVezava: Mehka13,88 €
After Buddhism(2017) BATCHELOR, STEPHENA renowned Buddhist teacher's magnum opus, based on his fresh reading of the tradition's earliest textsVezava: Mehka25,71 €
Utpaladeva on the Power of Action(2021) RATIE, ISABELLEUtpaladeva on the Power of Action provides the first critical edition, annotated translation, and study of one of the chapters of the Recognition of the Lord, a landmark in the history of nondual Saivism by the Utpaladeva, that were recently recovered froVezava: Trda62,43 €