11 rezultatov
Presumed Guilty(2021) CHEMERINSKY, ERWINNew York Times Book ReviewPresumed GuiltyVezava: Trda30,56 €
Citadels of Pride(2022) NUSSBAUM, MARTHA C. (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO)A ground breaking exploration of sexual violence by one of our most celebrated experts in law and philosophyVezava: Mehka24,10 €
Discrimination Laundering(2016) GREEN, TRISTIN K.This book explains how discrimination operates, shows how and why recent changes in the law are incentivizing the wrong organizational efforts, and proposes a way forward. The book will appeal to readers interested in race and gender, discrimination and iVezava: Mehka49,60 €
Desarrollo de cadenas de valor sensibles al genero(2020) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONSEsta publicación tiene como objetivo facilitar la integración sistemática de las dimensiones de la igualdad de género en los programas de desarrollo de la cadena de valor. Aumenta la conciencia de las desigualdades de género y analiza la importancia de teVezava: Mehka59,85 €
Coffee value chain analysis(2021) MWESIGYE, FRANCIS,FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION,NGUYEN, HANHMost young people in Uganda involved in the coffee value chain are casual labourers with low pay. To enhance their employment, this study suggests developing by-laws to enable access to land and supporting small businesses through revolving funds.Vezava: Mehka52,47 €
Desarrollo de cadenas de valor sensibles al genero(2020) FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONSEl Marco de Referencia para el Desarrollo de cadenas de valor sensibles al ge?nero de la FAO, elaborado en 2016, enfatiza la necesidad de evaluar las limitaciones en función del género (LFG) como parte integral del análisis de la cadena de valor.Vezava: Mehka83,87 €
Keep the Wretches in Order - America's Biggest Mass Trial, the Rise of the Justice Department, and the Fall of the IWW(2020) STRANG, DEANFrom 1917 the US Department of Justice systematically targeted the US's most radical union, the Industrial Workers of the World, resulting in the largest mass trial in US history. In the first legal history of the trial, Dean Strang shows how the case laiVezava: Mehka22,69 €
Keep the Wretches in Order(2019) STRANG, DEANIn the first legal history of the federal trial of the Industrial Workers of the World, Dean Strang shows how the case laid the groundwork for a fundamentally different strategy to stifle radical threats in the US, and had a major role in shaping the modeVezava: Trda39,07 €
Making the Case - 2SLGBTQ+ Rights and Religion in Schools(2021) SHORT, DONN,MACDOUGALL, BRUCE,CLARKE, PAUL T.Making the Case provides clear explanations of how law protects sexual minority rights, making it an essential resource for supporting 2SLGBTQ+ students in Canadian schools.Vezava: Mehka45,01 €