139 rezultatov
Uvod v diplomacijo in mednarodne organizacije(2020) BOŠTJAN UDOVIČ , TANJA ŽIGONVezava: Mehka16,90 €
Diplomatic Methods(2024) BARSTON, R.P.This comprehensive volume examines developments in diplomatic technique and changes in the diplomatic and political structures which both shape, and are shaped, by international relations and the international order.Vezava: Mehka55,11 €
Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy(2008) MEARSHEIMER, JOHN J.,WALT, STEPHEN M.What is the impact of the Israel lobby on U.S. foreign policy-and is it in America's national interest?26,18 €
Diplomatic Incidents(2011) DENMAN, CHERRYThe candid memoirs of an (un)diplomatic wifeVezava: Mehka13,88 €
Parting Shots(2011) PARRIS, MATTHEWCombining gems from the archives with despatches obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, this title is a treasure trove of wit, venom and serious analysis. It sheds light on Britain's place in the world, and reveal the curious cocktail of privileVezava: Mehka15,27 €
History of Diplomacy(2011) BLACK, JEREMYMORNIIn A History of Diplomacy Black shows how a form of courtly negotiation and information-gathering developed through increasing globalization into a world-shaping force and shows the ever-changing phenomenon of diplomacy: its aims, its achievements, itsVezava: Mehka39,05 €
Spanish Ambassador's Suitcase(2013) PARRIS, MATTHEW,BRYSON, ANDREWHeard the one about the Spanish Ambassador who arrived in the scorching Saharan desert fully suited and with a mysteriously enormous suitcase? Or the horse they gave Prime Minister John Major in Turkmenistan - which hapless embassy officials had to rescueVezava: Mehka15,27 €