350 rezultatov
Naše znanstvenice: kako so ženske soustvarjale znanost v Jugoslaviji(2023) JOVANA MIHAJLOVIĆ TRBOVCNaše znanstvenice: kako so ženske soustvarjale znanost v JugoslavijiVezava: Mehka24,00 €
Knjiga in bralci VI: Bralna kultura in nakupovanje knjig v Sloveniji v letu 2019(2019) PATRICIA RUPAR , ANDREJ BLATNIK , MIHA KOVAČ , SAMO RUGELJVezava: Mehka19,90 €
Anthropology in the Meantime - Experimental Ethnography, Theory, and Method for the Twenty-First Century(2018) MICHAEL M. J. FISCHERVezava: Mehka52,98 €
Mixing Methods in Social Research - Qualitative, Quantitative and Combined Methods(2020) RALPH HALLVezava: Mehka70,75 €
Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research(2013)What constitutes a causal explanation, and must an explanation be causal? What techniques are available to detect when causal effects are present, and when can these techniques be used to identify the relative importance of these effects?Vezava: Trda204,74 €
Logic and Method of Macrosociology(1993) CORWIN, RONALD G.,NAMBOODIRI, KRISHNANNamboodiri and Corwin make a strong case for adopting a macro perspective in sociological investigations. The study of interdependence among entities such as organizations is discussed and the use of input-output framework for such studies is expounded.Vezava: Trda110,67 €
Longitudinal Data Analysis(2008)Focuses on the assorted challenges that arise in analyzing longitudinal data. This book explores four broad themes: parametric modeling, nonparametric and semi parametric methods, joint models, and incomplete data. It is suitable for those involved in theVezava: Trda228,38 €
Theory Construction and Model-Building Skills, Second Edition(2020) JACCARD, JAMES,JACOB, JACOBY,JACOBY, JACOB (PHD (DECEASED), UNITED STATES)This accessible, hands-on text has now been revised and updated, with expanded coverage of topics including how theory may emerge from exploratory data analysis. The book prepares graduate students, new researchers, and even seasoned investigators to deveVezava: Mehka101,76 €
Experimental Sociology(2024) BARRERA, DAVIDE (UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO, ITALY),GERXHANI, KLARITA (VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT, AMSTERDAM),KITTEL, BERNHARD (UNIVERSITAT WIEN, AUSTRIA),MILLER, LUIS (INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC GOODS AND POLICIES, SPANISH NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL),WOLBRING, TOBIAS (SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND SOCIETY AT THE FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITY ERLANGEN-NURNBERG)Expertly navigates students and scholars through pivotal concepts of the experimental approach necessary for addressing sociological research questions. It furnishes readers with a profound understanding of sociological experiments, empowering them to seaVezava: Mehka42,25 €
Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics for Research Methods and Social Science Statistics(2020) WAGNER-HUANG, WILLIAM E.Supporting the use of SPSS for social statistics and research methods classes, this text covers a wide range of data analysis topics and incorporates the latest results from the General Social Survey (GSS).Vezava: Mehka100,50 €