43 rezultatov
Zdravilo za koronavirus ali Kako vam komplementarne valute pomagajo preživeti težke čase(2020) TOMISLAV JURMANVezava: Mehka19,90 €
Economic Analysis of Property Rights(2023) BARZEL, YORAM (UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON),ALLEN, DOUGLAS W. (SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY, BRITISH COLUMBIA)This book is the first to lay out the detailed relationship between economic property rights, transaction costs, and information costs. It uses these concepts to develop a theory of economic property rights to explain why life is organized the way it is.Vezava: Mehka42,25 €
Telecommunications Revolution(2018)Originally published in 1992 this book charts a global restructuring of telecommunications industries worldwide. It examines the impact of new technology for consequences of change in trade and government policies.Vezava: Trda194,91 €
40 Classic Crude Oil Trades - Real-Life Examples of Innovative Trading(2022) OWAIN JOHNSONVezava: Mehka74,62 €
Economics and Business Environment(2021) HULLEMAN, WIM,MARIJS, ADEconomics and Business Environment is targeted at students preparing for a career in a managerial position in business or public service.Vezava: Mehka137,01 €
Industrial Organization - Theory and Practice (International Student Edition)(2019) DON E. WALDMANVezava: Mehka84,79 €
Economics(2020) EVANS, ANTHONY J.First published as 'Markets for Managers', this book has proved to be a popular way for non-economists to understand and apply the key tools of economics in a business setting. Written in an engaging and informal way, whether you are a busy executive or sVezava: Mehka32,14 €
Knowledge Management(2018) NORTH, KLAUS,KUMTA, GITADrawing on over 20 years of research, teaching and consulting experience, the second brings together European, Asian and American perspectives on knowledge-based value creation; and has substantial updates to all chapters, reflecting the implications of tVezava: Trda155,91 €
Reformation to Industrial Revolution(2018) HILL, CHRISTOPHERThe masterful account of transformation of Britain into a modern nation by leading Marxist historianVezava: Mehka29,85 €
Modern Industrial Organization, Global Edition(2015) CARLTON, DENNIS,PERLOFF, JEFFREYVezava: Mehka127,26 €
Representation of Workers in the Digital Era(2022)This book compiles empirical evidence on both the challenges raised by neo-liberal policies and the internet to trade unions, and the development of more flexible forms of worker organisation and collective representation.Vezava: Trda68,68 €
“Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits”(2021) GARCIA PORTILLA, JASONWhy are historically Catholic countries and regions generally more corrupt and less competitive than historically Protestant ones?Vezava: Mehka57,87 €
Comparative International Management(2015) SORGE, ARNDT,NOORDERHAVEN, NIELS,KOEN, CARLA (TILBURG UNIVERSITY, NETHERLANDS)Vezava: Mehka130,59 €
Paris to New York(2021) POUILLARD, VERONIQUEParis to New York shows how competition and cooperation between transatlantic designers and entrepreneurs built the groundwork of today’s international fashion industry. Véronique Pouillard tells the story of the fashion business as a negotiation betweenVezava: Trda61,93 €
Infrastructure Procurement and Funding(2022) MCCLEMENTS, SHARONInfrastructure Procurement and Funding explores the key models of procuring and financing major projects and infrastructure works whilst critically acknowledging the inherent challenges in successfully securing the necessary funding.Vezava: Mehka81,40 €
Technological Collaboration in Industry(2018) DODGSON, MARKThis volume, originally published in 1993 is based on extensive research and draws together detailed global case studies illustrating a variety of issues from Japanese joint ventures to small business development. It considers the scope and scale of collaVezava: Trda230,34 €
Routledge Revivals: Economic Control (1955)(2017) FOGARTY, MICHAEL P.First published in 1955, this book offers a detailed history from the past to the mid-20th century on economic control.Vezava: Trda212,63 €