7 rezultatov
Disenchanted Night(1995) SCHIVELBUSCH, WOLFGANGTells the story of the development of artificial light in the nineteenth century. This title reveals the ways that the technology of artificial illumination helped forge modern consciousness. It discusses a range of subject including the political symboli40,53 €
Off-Grid Electrical Systems in Developing Countries(2018) LOUIE, HENRYThis book provides students and practicing engineers with a comprehensive guide to off-grid electrification: from microgrids and energy kiosks to solar home systems and solar lanterns.Vezava: Trda127,56 €
China’s Electricity Sector(2018)It is business focused, combining an introduction from an established regional electricity consultancy with five academic chapters covering governance, market stakeholders and reform, wind and solar power, environmental regulation, and developments in finVezava: Trda23,32 €
Solarnomics - Setting Up and Managing a Profitable Solar Business(2022) DAVID WRIGHTVezava: Mehka69,81 €