411 rezultatov
Walking with A/r/tography(2022) LASCZIK, ALEXANDRA,IRWIN, RITA L.,CUTTER-MACKENZIE-KNOWLES, AMY,ROUSELL, DAVID,LEE, NICOLEThis book focuses on critical walking and mapping practices through the research methodology of a/r/tography. Initially establishing seven global sites for employing movement-based research practices within culturally conceived a/r/tographic perspectives,Vezava: Trda83,95 €
Creating the Global Classroom - Approaches to Developing the Next Generation of World Savvy Students(2022) LAURENCE PETERSVezava: Mehka71,65 €
Six Secrets of Intelligence(2021) ADAMS, CRAIGSix ideas that reveal how to see through lies, deceptions and empty rhetoric, and a warning that we currently misunderstand both intelligence and education.Vezava: Mehka16,66 €
Early Innovators in Adult Education(2020) LONG, HUEY B.Originally published in 1991 this book analyses the input of those who made important contributions to the education of adults in the USA between 1607 and 1920. Examining the historical roots of adult education the book explores commonalities among innovaVezava: Mehka58,79 €
Somaesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture(2021) HIGUCHI, SATOSHI (HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN)Higuchi provides insight into how this philosophy has developed in Japan, and the affinity it has developed with a non-Western culture. Dividing his insights into the categories of innovation, practice and educational implications, Higuchi presents the JaVezava: Trda119,60 €
Lean Education Manifesto(2022) HAMILTON, ARRAN,HATTIE, JOHN (UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE)In a context where education funding is stagnating and even declining, Arran Hamilton and John Hattie suggest that we need to start thinking Lean and explicitly look for ways of unlocking more from less.Vezava: Mehka40,41 €
Transforming Conversations(2018)An accounting of feminism’s effect on Canadian education policy and practice since the Royal Commission on the Status of Women.Vezava: Trda19,49 €
Teacher Retention in an Age of Performative Accountability(2022) PERRYMAN, JANEIn this insightful and timely volume, Jane Perryman provides a definitive analysis of the crisis in teacher recruitment and retention through a critique of the culture of performative accountability in education, bringing together theory, literature, andVezava: Mehka66,15 €
Rediscovery of Teaching(2017) BIESTA, GERT (MAYNOOTH UNIVERSITY, IRELAND AND UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, UK)The Rediscovery of Teaching presents the innovative claim that teaching does not necessarily has to be perceived as an act of control but can be understood and configured as a way of activating possibilities for students to exist as subjects.Vezava: Mehka72,92 €
Scientific Inquiry into Human Potential(2020)Scientific Inquiry into Human Potential explores the intellectual legacy and contemporary understanding of scientific research on human intelligence, performance, and productivity.Vezava: Mehka71,65 €
Hidden Academic Curriculum and Inequality in Early Education(2021) KOZLOWSKI, KAREN PHELAN (UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI, USA)Drawing on a rich ethnographic study conducted in first grade classrooms in the US, this book reveals the potentially invisible, yet significant ways that race and social class impact student success in the earliest years of their schooling.Vezava: Trda212,63 €
Sustainable and Democratic Education(2020) CHAVE, SARAHThe book makes a valuable contribution to international growing interest in Arendtian thinking, complexity and emergence, feminist thinking, the emerging field of anticipation studies, the posthuman and engagement with Indigenous scholarship and practicesVezava: Trda119,60 €
Education(2021) THOMAS, GARY (PROFESSOR IN EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM)This new edition explores how and why education has evolved as it has, examining the ways in which it has responded over the centuries to influences in politics, philosophy, and the social sciences. Focussing on education today, it considers the controverVezava: Mehka13,88 €