415 rezultatov
Še ena knjiga o statistiki: univariatne in bivariatne statistične metode v edukaciji(2021) TINA ŠTEMBERGERVezava: Mehka15,00 €
Evropeizacija izobraževanja: izobraževanje odraslih med teorijo, evropsko in nacionalnimi politikami ter prakso(2019) BORUT MIKULECVezava: Mehka24,90 €
As Developments in Christian Thought: As Religious Studies for OCR(2016) MATTHEW LIVERMOREVezava: Mehka0,92 €
Indigenous Knowledge(2023) HORSTHEMKE, KAIIndigenous Knowledge provides all educators, especially indigenous educators, with theoretical tools for critical reflection and interrogation of their own and others’ preconceptions. The book challenges our conception of knowledge as a tool in anti-discrVezava: Mehka51,68 €
Manual of Mental and Physical Tests, a Book of Directions Compiled With Special Reference to the Experimental Study of School Children in the Laboratory or Classroom(2021) WHIPPLE, GUY MONTROSE 1876-Vezava: Mehka32,08 €