20 rezultatov
CIMA F2 Advanced Financial Reporting(2023) BPP LEARNING MEDIASuitable for exams until December 2024Vezava: Mehka63,74 €
Art of Company Valuation and Financial Statement Analysis(2014) SCHMIDLIN, NICOLASVezava: Trda68,57 €
Audit Analytics in the Financial Industry(2019)Split into six parts, contributors explore ways to integrate Audit Analytics techniques into existing audit programs for the financial industry. Chapters include topics such as fraud risks in the credit card sector, clustering techniques, fraud and anomalVezava: Trda79,73 €
Chief Value Officer(2016) KING, MERVYN,ATKINS, JILLThis book firmly places the accountant in the position of changemaker. It encapsulates the essential reasons for adopting integrated reporting, explains its application and proposes the next steps of developing the role of Chief Finance Officer to Chief VVezava: Mehka47,78 €
Accounting and Finance for Managers(2020) BAMBER, MATT,PARRY, SIMONSpecifically designed for Business and Management students at all levels who require grounding in how the key concepts of accounting and finance lead to better-informed business decisions, with real-world examples included.Vezava: Mehka76,31 €
Integrating Performance Management and Enterprise Risk Management Systems(2022) SPANO, ROSANNA (UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES FEDERICO II, ITALY),ZAGARIA, CLAUDIA (UNIVERSITY OF CAMPANIA LUIGI VANVITELLI, ITALY)Integrating Performance Management and Enterprise Risk Management Systems offers a novel understanding of the multifaceted shades that surround the long called-for and yet not realised integration between performance management and enterprise risk managemVezava: Trda81,40 €
Disruption in Financial Reporting(2022) BHASKAR, KRISH,FLOWER, JOHNDrawing on extensive research and interviews with insiders and experts, this book charts what has gone wrong with financial reporting and offers a range of solutions to improve transparency to both investors and the public. It will be of interest to studeVezava: Mehka36,74 €
Disruption in Financial Reporting(2021) BHASKAR, KRISH,FLOWER, JOHNDrawing on extensive research and interviews with insiders and experts, this book charts what has gone wrong with financial reporting and offers a range of solutions to improve transparency to both investors and the public. It will be of interest to studeVezava: Trda84,79 €
Auditor Going Concern Reporting(2021) GEIGER, MARSHALL A.,GOLD, ANNA (FREE UNIVERSITY AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS),WALLAGE, PHILIP (FREE UNIVERSITY AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS)This monograph reviews and synthesizes 182 recent GCO studies that have appeared since the last significant review published in 2013 through the end of 2019. The authors categorize studies into the three broad areas of GCO 1) determinants, 2) accuracy, anVezava: Trda119,60 €
International Financial Reporting(2019) MELVILLE, ALANInternational Financial Reporting delivers a focused, user-friendly introduction to international financial reporting and how to implement the IASB standards for undergraduate students.Vezava: Mehka116,19 €
Building Financial Models, Third Edition: The Complete Guide to Designing, Building, and Applying Projection Models(2018) TJIA, JOHN S.,TJIA, JOHNVezava: Trda111,95 €
Consolidation. Preparing and Understanding Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS(2013) GALLIMBERTI, CARLO,MARRA, ANTONIO,PRENCIPE, ANNALISAAims at providing a guide through the complex mechanisms of consolidation by showing how to understand and prepare Consolidated Financial Statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the most widespread set of accounting principlesVezava: Mehka105,15 €
How to Read a Balance Sheet: The Bottom Line on What You Need to Know about Cash Flow, Assets, Debt, Equity, Profit...and How It all Comes Together(2010) MAKOUJY, RICKThe balance sheet is the key - from efficient business operation to accurate assessment of a company's worth. It's a critical business resource - but do you know how to read it? This title breaks down the subject into easy-to-understand components. It helVezava: Mehka30,56 €
Financial Times Guide to Using and Interpreting Company Accounts, The(2009) MCKENZIE, WENDYVezava: Mehka46,61 €
Company Valuation Under IFRS (Third Edition)(2020) ANTILL, NICK,LEE, KENNETH,TAYLOR, DEBORAHRevised and updated. Written by practitioners for practitioners, the book addresses valuation from the viewpoint of the analyst, the investor and the corporate acquirer.Vezava: Trda64,14 €