373 rezultatov
The Physics of Graphene(2020) KATSNELSON, MIKHAIL I. (RADBOUD UNIVERSITEIT NIJMEGEN)Leading graphene research theorist Mikhail I. Katsnelson presents the most up-to-date basic concepts of graphene physics in this fully revised textbook. This is an important graduate textbook for nanoscience, nanotechnology and condensed matter and an excVezava: Trda128,89 €
Reactions(2017) GRAY, THEODOREThe long-awaited third installment in Theodore Gray's iconic "Elements" trilogy. The first two titles, Elementsand Molecules, have sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide.Vezava: Trda34,45 €
Solid State Chemistry(2020) MOORE, ELAINE A. (THE OPEN UNIVERSITY, MILTON KEYNES, UK),SMART, LESLEY E. (THE OPEN UNIVERSITY, MILTON KEYNES, UK)Building a foundation with a thorough description of crystalline structures, this book presents a wide range of the synthetic and physical techniques used to prepare and characterize solids. It offers students the opportunity to apply their knowledge in rVezava: Mehka73,49 €
Introduction to Thermal Physics(2021) SCHROEDER, DANIEL V. (PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS, PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS, WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY)This is a textbook for the standard undergraduate-level course in thermal physics. The book explores applications to engineering, chemistry, biology, geology, atmospheric science, astrophysics, cosmology, and everyday life.Vezava: Trda134,00 €
Statistical Mechanics(2020) LUSCOMBE, JAMES H.This textbook provides a comprehensive, yet accessible, introduction to statistical mechanics. Crafted and class-tested over many years of teaching, it carefully guides advanced undergraduate and graduate students who are encountering statistical mechanicVezava: Mehka63,92 €
Strange Glow(2017) JORGENSEN, TIMOTHY J.More than ever before, radiation is a part of our modern daily lives. We own radiation-emitting phones, regularly get diagnostic x-rays, such as mammograms, and submit to full-body security scans at airports. We worry and debate about the proliferation ofVezava: Mehka28,10 €
Electrochemistry(2018) BROWNE, WESLEY R. (CHAIR OF MOLECULAR INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, CHAIR OF MOLECULAR INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN)This brand new addition to the Oxford Chemistry Primers series provides the most accessible first introduction to electrochemistry, combining explanation of the fundamental concepts with practical examples of how they are applied in a range of real-worldVezava: Mehka60,62 €
Statistical Thermodynamics(2017) MACZEK, ANDREW (EMERITUS PROFESSOR, EMERITUS PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD),MEIJER, ANTHONY J.H.M. (READER IN THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, READER IN THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD)This self-contained primer covers statistical thermodynamics in a rigorous yet approachable manner, making it the perfect text for undergraduates.Vezava: Mehka60,62 €
NMR: The Toolkit(2015) HORE, PETER (PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD),JONES, JONATHAN (HEAD OF TEACHING, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, HEAD OF TEACHING, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD),WIMPERIS, STEPHEN (PROFESSOR OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, PROFESSOR OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW)This primer describes succinctly the range of NMR techniques commonly used in modern research, and explains how these experiments actually work, giving a unique perspective on this powerful experimental tool.Vezava: Mehka60,62 €
Simultaneous Mass Transfer and Chemical Reactions in Engineering Science(2022) BERTRAM K. C. CHANVezava: Trda221,18 €
Chemical Engineering Explained - Basic Concepts for Novices(2017) DAVID SHALLCROSSVezava: Trda101,76 €