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Kemijske osnove naravoslovja z navodili za laboratorijske vaje(2019) IZTOK DEVETAK , MIHA SLAPNIČARVezava: Spiralna12,00 €
Tanning Chemistry(2019) COVINGTON, ANTHONY D (THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHAMPTON, UK),WISE, WILLIAM R (THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHAMPTON, UK)This book offers an up to date view of the state of the art of leather making, based on the scientific principles underpinning the technology aimed at all those involved in the supply chain, from farm, through students, chemical suppliers and tanners, toVezava: Mehka vezava96,67 €
Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics 9th Edition(2023) NADER RIFAIVezava: Trda140,83 €
Munson, Young and Okiishi's Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, International Adaptation(2021) ANDREW L. GERHART , JOHN I. HOCHSTEIN , PHILIP M. GERHARTVezava: Mehka78,35 €