90 rezultatov
Codebreaking(2020) DUNIN, ELONKA,SCHMEH, KLAUSA practical guide by two world experts to codebreaking and solving cryptograms. There are tens of thousands of such cryptograms, both modern and historical, many of which remain unsolved. The guide is complemented by both success stories and details of unVezava: Mehka vezava23,61 €
Essential Forensic Pathology(2021) CORRIGAN, GILBERT (ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, USA)A myriad of different scenarios await those entering the field of forensic pathology. This volume helps prepare pathologists in training by establishing what they must know about the most common death scenes they will encounter. The book includes chaptersVezava: Mehka122,11 €
Crime Scene Processing and Investigation Workbook, Second Edition(2019) RAMIREZ, CHRISTINE R.,PARISH-FISHER, CASIE L. (ST. EDWARDS UNIVERSITY, AUSTIN, TEXAS, USA)Vezava: Mehka66,14 €
Practical Cold Case Homicide Investigations Procedural Manual(2017) WALTON, RICHARD H.Vezava: Trda283,50 €
Practice Of Crime Scene Investigation(2004)Covers numerous aspects of crime scenes investigation, including aspects in education and training, quality systems accreditation, quality assurance, and the application of specialist scientific disciplines to crime. This book includes discussion on fingeVezava: Trda283,50 €
Forensic Approaches to Buried Remains(2013) HUNTER, JOHN (UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM),SIMPSON, BARRIE (UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM),STURDY COLLS, CAROLINE (UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM)The field of forensic archaeology has developed over recent years from being a branch of conventional archaeology into a well-established discipline in its own right.Vezava: Mehka79,92 €
Practical Forensic Digital Imaging(2011) JONES, PATRICKGives information on digital imaging in the forensic sciences. Written at a basic level, this book begins with an introduction to technical aspects of digital photo imaging, hardware, and storage of media, light, and filters. It presents information on 35Vezava: Trda204,75 €
Handbook of Forensic Pathology(2006) DIMAIO, M.D., VINCENT J.M. (CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER, BEXAR COUNTY, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, USA),DANA, M.D., SUZANNA E. (AUSTIN, TEXAS, USA)Describes various aspects of modern forensic pathology. This book offers information on tasers, pepper spray, Excited Delirium Syndrome, and nursing home death.Vezava: Mehka123,81 €
Advances in Forensic Human Identification(2014)A supplemental follow-up to Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction, this volume covers advances in the most well-known scientific techniques and discusses developing subjects and modalities of human identification. It looks at several issues beyonVezava: Trda212,63 €
Forensic Human Identification(2006)While DNA and fingerprints are clearly the favored methods of identification, they require a prior record and verifiable baseline for comparison. This work introduces a number of different specialties such as, foot and earprinting, dental interventions, sVezava: Trda283,50 €
Mammoth Book of New CSI(2012) CAWTHORNE, NIGELA bumper collection of 30 of the most shocking recent cases that have been solved by or investigated with forensic science.Vezava: Mehka18,05 €
Forensic Psychology in Context(2010)Academics and researchers from the Nordic countries (Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland) have made a particularly strong contribution internationally to the disciplines of forensic and legal psychology. This book looks systematically at the central issues aVezava: Mehka73,49 €