12 rezultatov
Traces of the Ice Age(2024) FRAEDRICH, WOLFGANGAt present, we have been living in an ice age for around 2.5 million years, a geological epoch in which there is ice on Earth and in which the curve of the global mean temperature is subject to significant fluctuations (current trend: temperature increaseVezava: Mehka vezava55,11 €
Practical Engineering Geology(2024) HENCHER, STEVE (HENCHER ASSOCIATES, UK)This book introduces the way projects are managed, designed, and constructed, and how the engineering geologist can contribute to cost-effective and safe project achievement. Now with a new chapter on environmental issues covering hydrogeology, climate chVezava: Mehka vezava129,14 €
Story of Earth's Climate in 25 Discoveries(2024) PROTHERO, DONALD R.In this lively and entertaining book, Donald R. Prothero explores the astonishing connections between climate and life through the ages, telling the remarkable stories of the scientists who made crucial discoveries.Vezava: Trda vezava49,98 €
Paleontological Data Analysis(2024) HAMMER, ØYVIND (UNIVERSITY OF OSLO, NORWAY),HARPER, DAVID A. T. (DURHAM UNIVERSITY, UK)Vezava: Trda vezava137,52 €
Trilobite Collector's Guide(2024) SECHER, ANDYAndy Secher—one of the most prolific trilobite collectors in the world—takes readers on an entertaining and enlightening journey to the distant epoch when these ancient arthropods swarmed through the seas.Vezava: Trda vezava68,76 €
Planet Earth, Past and Present(2023) CARROLL, MICHAELPlanet Earth, Past and Present explores these and many more connections. Original art accompanies each chapter, depicting major stages of the Earth’s evolution and providing vivid comparisons to other planets or moons.Vezava: Mehka vezava46,29 €
Volcanology(2023) CAS, RAY,GIORDANO, GUIDO,WRIGHT, JOHN V.This book is a substantially updated, revised and extended version of the book Volcanic Successions, published by Cas and Wright back in 1987.Vezava: Trda vezava165,36 €