182 rezultatov
Winners Take All - The Elite Charade of Changing the World(2020) ANAND GIRIDHARADASVezava: Mehka15,27 €
How to Hide an Empire - A Short History of the Greater United States(2020) DANIEL IMMERWAHRVezava: Mehka18,05 €
Rise Of The New Economic Powers And The Changing Global Landscape, The(2023) EBBERS, HAICO (NYENRODE BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, THE NETHERLANDS)Vezava: Mehka74,21 €
Globalization and Inequalities(2009) WALBY, SYLVIASylvia Walby offers an innovative new theoretical framework for explaining social inequalities around the world. A highly anticipated new book from a major name in the social sciences.Vezava: Mehka93,29 €
Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste(2014) MIROWSKI, PHILIPThe definitive account of why neoliberal solutions were used to solve a neoliberal crisis.Vezava: Mehka53,27 €