25 rezultatov
Medical Discoveries Of Edward Bach Physician(1940) WEEKS, NORAIn 1912 Edward Bach qualified as a medical doctor and embarked upon a career which not only had a profound effect on medical science, but brought to ordinary people the world over, a simple, safe and effective system of healing. This title tells how Dr BaVezava: Mehka15,27 €
Handbook of Homoeopathic Therapeutics on Obstetrics & Gynaecology(2012) NAIK, DR KEDARNATHVezava: Mehka9,04 €
Practical Handbook of Homoeopathy(2008) GRIFFITH, COLINMany people have found homoeopathic remedies to be safe and effective and want to know more, keen to take responsibility and participate in their own healing. This book provides the information required, explaining how homoeopathic remedies work, which trVezava: Mehka27,79 €
Bach Remedies Workbook(2005) BALL, STEFANThe Bach Remedies Workbook is a complete self-contained guide in the selection and use of the Bach Flower Remedies. Written by a consultant at the Dr Edward Bach Centre, the course starts from first principles and in seven progressive sections covers allVezava: Mehka23,61 €